
What's best about you is your insight and clear people skills.

This reviewer, man. Every week.

It's 2017, and I'm sitting in my living room hanging on Cousin Larry Appleton's every word.

Erica doesn't live in Jarden. We see Nora driving over the bridge into town after visiting her. Also, I think it's a big assumption to say that the Australian stuff at the end was taking place in a different timeline. If Kevin Sr is still alive, Nora is probably not there as an old woman.

I don't know what you're talking about. This is the largest crowd of Patriot players ever assembled. Period!

Didn't Elizabeth refuse to work with Claudia a couple seasons back, which is why they brought in Gabriel in the first place?

I obviously missed something, but what do Philip and Elizabeth even need from their honeypot victims anymore, now that they've determined the government isn't trying to kill Russia's wheat supply and they have their super-wheat sample?

The point is, she's quite chipper right now, and isn't during Breaking Bad.

There are literally dozens of people who know Jimmy's real name and face. He would never get away with practicing the law illegally with a fake name while remaining in the same town where he practiced it as Jimmy McGill.

I kinda want to know what the hell happened to Francesca that turned her into such a sourpuss.

That would be absurd, particularly without even moving to a new town. Chuck would immediately report him.

He's definitely not hanging out in the same city under an assumed name and hoping no one ever recognizes him. He also freely told Walt his real name the very first time they met. He's not practicing law as Saul Goodman to evade the authorities.

But if you're disbarred, you can't just change your name and keep right on going practicing law. There has to be more to it than that. I suspect Chuck ultimately won't press charges.

I don't think they did the exchange, because Fring could tell Jimmy was watching.

So I'm betting Chuck eventually agrees to drop the charges provided Jimmy agree to stop practicing law with the McGill name.

I think it implies it's a place where you need some sort of supernatural abilities to go to.

Heh. Talk-to-text sometimes fails me epically.

Too bad they never bothered to tell us, or even make it into a C level storyline. The "strong woman of color" bit is exactly what was wrong with the character. Everyone else is a mess, that's why they're interesting and funny. Sue was neither. She was simply a strong woman of color, and therefore there was nowhere to

She had about two lines per episode and I don't think she ever once had a storyline. And everyone on this show cuts everyone else on this show to shreds.

And people do wake up from comas but that are not immediately ambulatory, with no muscle atrophy. That's impossible.