
But not over and over and over again. That's the problem. And the poison wears off at the exact moment an earthquake hits? And another earthquake drained the lake right after Kevin jumped in it? And the bullet hit nothing vital and the wound didn't bleed out even though he didn't seek medical attention for a full day?

Yeah, I think the ambiguity dance has done its last twirl around the ballroom after last season's finale. There's no rational explanation for Kevin repeatedly dying and coming back to life, Not to mention Mary suddenly healing.

Yeah, I maintain it was a huge mistake to have Selena lose, and break up the whole cast like this.

Yeah, that makes sense. We'll probably see her eventually, working for Montez. It's just as well she's not a regular anymore. The character never worked or mattered much.

Well, I don't know about that. If it were poison and he jumped in, his presumed powers wouldn't make him immune. He'd still suffer in great pain for no reason. Also, he wouldn't want to then give others the false impression that the water was fine.

HA! You have no idea what a Pandora's Box you're opening with that question.

Also, surely Matt was thinking that they were all there in that house and in that town because Kevin happened to meet Laurie that day.

Not me. I refuse to have any theories or questions, or any expectations about any questions being answered. I'm just letting it flow over me. This will NOT be Lost 2.0.

I want some fucking crazy opening credits next week,dammit.

They're not all lily white. John and Michael are still around.

Not brain dead, you guys are just utterly humorless, unless it's "hilarious" jokes about minorities or how bitches need to get hit.

Has Kevin "developed an asphyxiation ritual" or is he killing himself every day?

No, it's time for you to accept that leftists can create a nuanced show with a flawed leftist character and still not be "in the middle" politically, and will piss off snowflake alt-right whiners.

How the fuck did you translate that to "Its made by leftists for leftists and is repulsive to anyone else. This just perpetuates the same cycle of echo chambers."??

At no point did I say anything of the kind.

You would never in a million years see any content produced by the alt-right that mocks the alt-right, because you guys are whiny snowflakes, but you constantly see left-wing content mocking the left.

One of your main problems appears to be a fundamental lack of understanding of what it means to be on the left. We don't see ourselves as 100% correct, with nothing to learn from everyone else. This lead character is clearly flawed, despite the fact that this show was made by people generally sympathetic to her

And I think someone who interprets an angry eyebrow raise as a realization that SJW's are dicks is someone who is an idiot.

Stop pretending you're not an alt-right piece of trash.

He's someone who thinks it's okay to call Obama a monkey because some people called Bush a monkey. He's either very stupid or deliberately refusing to understand. I can never tell with people who talk like that.