
Horseshit. The show was made by those on the left, and will be enjoyed by those on the left. You don't understand anything. You're a very simple idiot.

Alt-rights such as yourself are whiny little bitch snowflakes who think the show is "racist" without seeing it based on the title and the fact that is stars black people, and the fact that they are emotionally vulnerable to views that challenge their own.
But of course it's a TV show and a comedy, and unlike the

Alt-rights are Snowflakes because they're whining and crying about this show even existing. And yes, white privilege is a thing. And no, the trailer doesn't refute that. You're really trying hard to be wrong about everything.

That trailer looks better than the movie, and a lot funnier.

And that would guarantee an eventual outing.

"I know something no one else knows" could really mean anything. Likely they thought he was talking about Zeke and Ozzy's supposed secret alliance.

She'd do it if she knew she wouldn't get caught.

It's interesting that Varner wasn't out during his first season in 2001, and in fact said he was straight when asked about it. There's tremendous irony in that straight people used to use gay men's "deception" on not being out as proof that they were inherently untrustworthy.
However, I have to give Varner props for

Well, he did agree to be on the show and I don't think any survivor has editing rights, so allowing him to cut the transgender stuff would indeed be "special treatment". Also, the episode TC would be incomprehensible if they cut that out.

I don't think for a second Elizabeth got anything out of the therapy session, nor did she experience any "trama" killing that mugger.

Yeah, I never liked the host segments. Ever.

Sure looks like it.

Chuck doesn't know Ernesto covered for Jimmy, though.

I believe Chuck set up Ernesto to hear the tape deliberately. He was overacting big time, pretending to be upset about Ernesto hearing it, and looks quite smug afterwards. Now, as to why he did it, I have no idea. He's clearly got some sort of plan.
Edit: Aaand a million people below already beat me to this trenchant


Yeah, I didn't say or even remotely imply that. I'm just saying, he was clearly a disturbed person. "Kill me…kill me.." etc. And once again, if you feel the need to once again show off what a White Knight Hero you are, let me repeat nothing he did or said justified their actions.

I'm kinda thinking he wasn't actually a doctor…

I'd bet a year's pay she thinks an employer should be allowed to fire someone for being gay.

Or maybe they were some weirdo cult before any of this went down in the first place.

The time jump in the comics doesn't skip the war, it happens after the war is over. Come on, guys. They're not actually dumb enough to skip the war. It's the one thing that might actually be interesting for the first time in years.