
You're really just wrong on this one. You can go ahead and admit it. Foreigners managed to get around in countries where they didn't speak the language all throughout the 20th Century without the aid of the internet. I would get a map at the airport of Sheremetyevo and then find the bus station. (Almost certainly the

I've found and read bus schedules in foreign countries before, pre-internet. You know where they're found? This is gonna blow your mind—at bus stations! Also—gasp—airports!

We saw he had some money. And I'm sure he could figure out a bus schedule.

Or he just traveled from NYC to Bess Truman Park after the operator told him to go there.

I don't know what they ultimately have planned for Henry. My pet theory has been that he's secretly known for years.

Didn't the operator tell him to meet at some park the next day? Presumably he looked it up and saw it was in DC.

That's not enough of a reason.

Yeah, I wish Renee had said or done something suspicious.

The only thing I can think of is if Mischa manages to stalk Gabriel and sees him meeting with Philip, but i doubt the kid could get the drop on Gabriel like that. On the other hand, it's pretty unsatisfying narratively if this is the end of the Mischa storyline.

He also had a subplot not one single person cares about.

But why not last week, or the week before? It just seems really arbitrary. Also, why are they spying on her to find out? If she is KGB, they probably shouldn't interfer.

Ugh. This is not a show with subplots about math. Get Henry in on the action, already or ship him off to boarding school.

So, I guess that grown man who lives with The Jennings this season is apparently good at math.

Did I miss something, or is there some reason why Phillip suddenly suspects Stan's new gal is KGB? It's like he's a reddit commenter.

As it is now.

I really don't think that is true.

That handlebar mustache dude is a more fun villain than Negan.

I assume it was Gregory.

Do zombies matter anymore?

True, but I think my hope has officially run out.