
There are easily dozens of episodes worse than this one. This was solidly mediocre.

Okay, Big Tony.

There's absolutely no reason to "cover" for her. He was kicking the shit out of Celeste. It was defense of others.

I saw this theory bandied about, but I dismissed it because the real estate guy from earlier who Jane thought was her rapist didn't look like Sarsgaard at all.

How silly. It's not like the women even did anything wrong. They should have just told the truth. Bonnie was defending Celeste, that's legally justified.

There are soapy elements to the story, to be sure. But you just have to go with it.

I don't know why she still got in the car with him. I was screaming at my TV "don't get in the car!"

There was a lot to love here, especially the interpersonal relationships, with both the couples and the women's friendships.
My quibbles are few: why did they lie to "protect" Bonnie? They could have just told the truth, she did nothing wrong, legally or morally. Also, Alexander Sarsgaard looks nothing at all like

You're forgetting the classic bon mot, "Oh, Mylanta".

I still don't buy it, but fine. However, if part of the deal to back off Oleg doesn't include Stan resigning, then the show will have made its first official misstep. There's no way the FBI can continue working with a man who just blackmailed them, no matter how valuable he may be.

What I don't buy is that the FBI would blink.

Stan's threat seems very odd. Basically, he's going ruin his life and get himself locked up for 30 years, and the FBI will…be mildly embarrassed as they throw him under the bus and declare him a bad apple who betrayed what America stands for.

Really? If you didn't know her, how old would you say she was in that clip? At least 70, I'd say.

It's not homophobic to balk at hugging a man you don't know who in his underwear.
It is annoying that they are still constructing "no homo" scenes like this in movies, though.

If you can't trust a drug addict to tell you if they're doing or not, who can you trust?

You're into ferrets?

She's already backpedaling. It's just the 1040 from 2005.

Eh. Starfuckers.

I really don't understand this fiction we've created where Cumberbatch is considered in any way attractive. It's a real testament to the power of celebrity. Absolutely no one would look twice at this guy if he were a Target cashier.

Let's hope so.