
Well, we already saw that with Nina, and in my opinion they were handled rather poorly.
And the Martha thing was a joke. Mostly.

I'm definitely unhappy with the decision to isolate Oleg in Russia. When they tried that with Nina, her storyline and character withered on the vine until when her death finally came, it was more of a relief than a tragedy. It's never a good idea to isolate a single character in an ensemble show. You'd think they

I find that logic to be rather absurd. Also, anyone offended by "fuck" is also offended by "f*ck".

He can also go ahead and say "fuck", is my point. Far, far less people are offended by fuck than the other word I don't feel comfortable writing. (Case in point).

Weird that he put an asterisk on the "u" in "fuck", but went full-on n-word.

Jesus. Heather Morris was far and away the best dancer on Glee, along with Harry Shum. She'll probably know more than her partner.

You probably should have learned about Venn diagrams much earlier in life.

Cosby and Parker were both accused of rape, in Cosby's case many many accusations. Affleck was "only" accused of harassment. Additionally, it was settled out of court and there's no face to it. There's no woman going on talk shows with Gloria Allred saying "Casey Affleck did this to me". Very likely the majority of

He should have just used his words. "This is the wrong card, it says Emma Stone".

Also, it was Bill PULLMAN who died. Price Waterhouse regrets the error.

I almost never go to the movies with other people. Way too much planning and consideration of their needs involved.

That is…weirdly specific.

This would be a good movie to have a Spoiler Space.

Yeah, I was into it until the closing credits when I see we're not going to be told who the murder victim is until…later. That's no good. Hacky, in fact. I guess I'll hang on for one more episode, but my arms are folded.


The DS9 episode "Little Green Men" made it clear the Ferengi are supposed to be 20th Century Americans.

OK, that interests me.

Breaking up an ensemble cast into separate storylines is instant death for a comedy series.

Yeah, I just don't see it. Let alone how they keep the rest of the staff as still working for her. This was a mistake.

No, I thought her moving to the White House was fucking fantastic, gave the series a real shot in the arm. And now…what? There's nowhere to go but down, both for the character and for the stakes in dramatic storytelling.