
I still don't see the point of continuing this show if she's not even in the WH anymore.

Or maybe, unlike Trump, he understands that whining about being mocked endears you to no one.

Well we barely know her so far, but the template is the same as Blair. Rich, snobby, has a gaggle of followers, is desperately insecure and lashes out to hide it.
Veronica is much more like Sabrina. Former bad girl trying to do good.

I think Cheryl Blossom is much more the reincarnation of Blair Waldorf than Veronica.

Between that and having the first indoor bathtub, he was really ahead of his time.

This is an insult to Dukat, who is far far cooler than Trump. Trump isn't Dukat. Trump is that puddle of sentient goo that killed Tasha Tar.

Yeah, I'm not talking about you specifically. Jesus.

Sigh. I'm talking about the internet in general. There are lots of places where Barron can find people talking shit about him.

I can't believe how willfully stupid you're being. Of course he's going to see it. He has Google, he has fingers, he has eyes. He's already seen it. What the fuck is wrong with you seriously?

It's really not hard to have an inflated sense of morality next to a flat out scumbag piece of shit like yourself. Fuck off. You're as much as a dirt bag as Trump himself.

Yeah. You're not well. And if you think this won't affect him, think again. Or just try asking Chelsea Clinton, another WH child who was cruelly mocked by the other side. Yesterday she publicly implored people to stop mocking Barron.

Really? You're angry at a 10-year-old boy who has done nothing wrong at all? You might be a little mentally unwell.

I can't believe people are willing to sink to Trump's level and start making fun of a child. In fact, that's actually even lower than Trump's level as he has never done that.

Because you're a bad person?

They elected a President Snowflake and yet they still have the gall to use that term.

Yes, I know. That's why it's shitty.

Wow. You sound sane.

God, what's the fuck? I thought we were the good guys. You're the moral equivalent of Rush fucking Limbaugh. Just sit with that.

Is it really that difficult for you to resist shit-talking a ten year old boy, or behaving as a better human than Rush Limbaugh? Can the moral bar be a little higher than the gross obese drug addict? Maybe you should try harder. And maybe grow the fuck up a little.

Some bigtime celebrity needs to tweet this out. Ellen Degeneres has 64 million followers, and she's not afraid to get political. That would be the best bet. Please tweet this at her, AV Club.