
LaBeouf has only killed my afternoon.

It's a soap. Having a soap character not interested in sex is like having a cast member of Baywatch being afraid of the water.

I still don't think there was a literal crew. It just doesn't make any literal sense.

The characters never once watched footage or tried to have a "private" conversation away from the camera.

It never broke the fourth wall, as the documentary crew existed in the universe of the show.
Shows like Modern Family and Parks and Rec broke the fourth wall.

I'd bet money we've seen Macy naked on the show more than Rossum.

He is a great actor. But Frank is an increasing more and more narratively irrelevant character. They should have killed him back in the kindey storyline.

The Leftovers is not going to "explain" the Rapture. As long as you accept that, you'll be fine.

Yes, add Trump to the rest of it.

She also went to jail for attempted murder.

Well it's of course the wrong choice to go on the lamb with Mickey, no matter what his mental state.
But what if Mickey pulls a Harry and the Hendersons and convinces Ian to return? I think that would be a redemption of the character.


Next season they showed the "previously ons" and continued the scene, showing Mickey and Sammi both getting arrested. Presumably Sammi squealed at that point. I agree it was all handled badly.

That's not self hatred. That's a young man experimenting.

You incorrectly interpreted the scene. He gave his bf shit for being with a woman, and the bf was like "try it, you might like it" and so he did. He was trying to see if it worked for him, and turns out it did not. At no point did he express any self-hatred.

When the hell was he a self-hating bigot?

I really hope you're wrong. That would be pretty unforgivable.

Can we give the writers a chance and see how they end the Ian and Mickey relationship? Maybe they'll do it right; make up for the shitty way they left it two years ago.

Ian is not the reason he's in jail. He tried to kill Sammy because of what she did to Ian, but that doesn't mean it's Ian's fault.

But…Mickey is fucking nuts. The chemistry between the two actors was off the charts and we all love a good love story (and this was the best love story Shameless ever did) but if they're insistent on making Ian grow up, this is not a good relationship for a grownup to be in.
I agree though that it's shitty that the