
I really don't think they're retconning Mickey as some villain who ruined Ian's life. The fact is, he may have once been good for Ian, but their relationship is untenable now. Fischer's desire to leave the show has painted them into this corner. I didn't like the way they broke up the relationship with a joke two

"A loner forced to suddenly mature"…is a wildly inaccurate description of the character.

It did not come across like that at all. It played like Ian very quickly stopped giving a shit about Mickey, to the point that he literally didn't care if Sami gunned him down in the street.

Well, I hope they follow through and kill Monica. I'm a little tired of her being the show's "break glass in case of emergency" character.

Yeah, and weird that we are told Ian visited Mickey often in jail. The one visit we saw, Ian looked like he hated every second of it.

But wouldn't that make V co-owner of the bar? I don't really know how it works in Illinois, but I can't imagine one spouse can take ownership away from another spouse. Also, V and Kev have adopted Svetlana's child as well, so it's not as if she can just send them packing. If this is all a con, it's not a great one.

I hear next week's episode will be starring the bottom of the barrel they just scraped.

Am I crazy are we looking at a Breaking Bad type scenario, where Dory finds her true self as a bad guy? Unlike the reviewer, I think there's plenty of room for this show to grow.

Second Season will be a Search Party to find the missing Keith.

If there's a second season, she will have forgotten she gave permission and will report the car stolen.

He was lulling Elliot into his trap.

He's definitely dead. No coma.

I think they're going to hide the body and the "Search Party" will be those looking for Keith, while Dory and the gang try to avoid getting caught.

I think an easy fix would be to show that the future child gives her some sort of information that helps her in the present day with the aliens, thereby making her birth and eventual death necessary. As it stands, it just seems like a pointless exercise in masochism.

It's unclear if she were actually experiencing those future "memories" or not. Surely not in the early parts of the movie, at least.
It's just a dumb reveal, IMO.

Everyone does not die slowly and painfully as a teenager.

She loved the child before it was born?

So I missed nothing. The "twist" was pointless. And why did she go ahead and get married when she knew it was doomed and have a child she knew was going to die?

You're a complicated cat.
