
February release? So, this year's Jupiter Ascending, then. Cool.

What's a "library"?

Hey, just like The Onion.
And 90% of the internet, come to think of it.

What a coincidence. I finally had enough last season.

So this article is based entirely on the comments section of another site? Does this mean that Obama is really a terrorist Kenyan and Hillary strangled Vince Foster to death?

It takes a special kind of asshole to tell someone dying of a painful disease that they are "privileged".

He also thinks Charlie Chaplin is a clear nod to Silent Bob.

That's my point. If the psycho guard had deliberately murdered Poussey because he's psycho, then there's no real larger statement and the whole thing is much easier to dismiss as not having much to do with the real world, as virtually no cops are actually that crazy and evil.

I think people understand the message, if they care to.

Oh, boy. Weird that you've clung that to you. And I'm not sure why you considered that rather banal comment to be "ridicule", anyway.
Also, my statement that the unborn child wouldn't be "orphaned" was not to imply you didn't know what the word meant, but rather that the Unborn child would be…you know…unborn…if Alice

I have no memory of you or your comments on the Americans, but I clearly made somewhat of an impact. Of course, I do believe you're probably mistaken me for someone else as I know the definition of the word orphan.

And it's also a uh cop-out to do that. Any white cop or guard could watch this and say "well I'm obviously not a mustache twirling psycho who forces inmates to eat baby mice at gunpoint, so I guess I'm not part of the problem".

Unless you're a total cynic/doomsayer, surely you realize that the vast majority of deaths by cops are not because cops are evil and just want to murder block people?

That's not what they depicted. Bailey was untrained (the state's fault) and the prison was over crowded leading to tense circumstances (the corporation's fault) and run by a racist whose actions started the protest in the first place. It doesn't matter if Suzanne was acting up. It should never have reached that point

This is terribly argued and seems to deliberately miss the point.

She was a very minor character, much more a symbol than anything else. It's like saying the briefcase was the star of Pulp Fiction. Fact is, in both seasons so far, the female characters were made irrelevant by the end. Molly Solverson contributed nothing at all to the capture or death of either Lester or Billy

I can't see how you could possibly say that. She was barely on the show and did nothing plot-wise.

Just how many babies have you and Carrie Coon had together?

So, she'll start out strong and be sidelined at the end of the season like every other female character?

Not weeping with grief, weeping with fear and horror.