
Yeah, I can't. Pure contrivance for TV's sake. But I'll go with it because it looks like a fun show going forward.

What do you mean? Other than taking e, which was already injested, he had committed no crimes at all.

??? Ice through my veins?
I would immediately throw up and then begin weeping. Then I'd call 911.


Wow, I really can't believe that for a second. Just how dumb would someone have to be to not realize their prints, blood, and semen are everywhere?

The stupid decision is fleeing a crime scene. That's truly what you would've done?

They should have had him guilty of some low level crime, so it would make sense for him to run out instead of calling the cops like any law abiding person would do.

This is entirely dependent on the lead character being an abject moron.

That was Mirror (read: opposite) Sulu.

Apparently Cho's Sulu has a husband and child. He's clearly not closeted.

Given that this Sulu is married and has a daughter, it seems silly to say he's closeted.
And the daughter in Generations doesn't prove Original series Sulu was straight, anyway.

Sure. I guess I'll watch an episode, but I can't imagine it being any good.

That would've been a really good way of underlining their point about racism. Not sure why it would be a "bummer", and certainly calling it "animal abuse" in a story where animals are sentient is asinine.

I think you're carrying a lot of water here, inventing a storyline that isn't supported by what we've seen. There's no indication from any dialog that the Everlasting elimination ceremony didn't air exactly as we saw it play out.

So then what's the show going to be?

Or at any point afterwards.

It feels like this is would be a perfect finale for the series. I don't see how this show works without her being president. The last two years have been the best of the series, creatively. Meyers as Veep again is not only completely implausible, but creatively uninteresting. I hope there's a major plot twist next

Then you really have no story.
Seems to me the whole point was to "expose" the girl as a pathological liar, but now you've eliminated that storyline entirely. Plus, Darius would also see the edited version and would realize he'd been lied to.
I don't get any indication from the episode that they're editing it in the

That would be one hell of an edit, since Darius' reason for "throwing out the playbook" and rejecting her was her lying about being in foster care. That's kind of the whole story.

I'm not sure what your argument is. I'm aware it's not a documentary. But up until now, it's had a baseline level verisimilitude, so that we might plausibly believe that this show "Everlasting" could exist in our real world. But that's kind of gone out the window, now. It's more broad farce than biting satire. Which