RP McMurphy


I agree. Something in an opaque Morgan would be nice.

I've started and re-started several sentences here, and I still can't find the right way to address the beauty that just happened here. Take a medal.

Why are you trying so hard to find an excuse to be aggressive to a complete stranger on the internet who commented on something that has absolutely nothing to do with you? That comment wasn't made about you- I don't know who you are. Please stop trying to insert yourself into my conversation; I have no desire to talk

Completely agree


I didn't pretend I was too good to acknowledge them otherwise. If that tidbit of decency makes me a loser, I guess it makes me a loser.

You'd be the one to know! :P

I'm convinced that she's teaming up with Sasha because she's going to let her take the fall on this fuck-up.

NICE username reference, man.

Typical teenager

I HATED Buffy during that whole treatment of Spike when they were having an affair. What a self-righteous nincompoop she behaved like. She acted like the jock in high school who would mess around with the uncool girl alone, but around people he treats her like dirt. Buffy acted like Cordelia.

I remember laughing SO hard when Angel called him "Sit & Spin". So many references went over my head so often that immediately understanding one made me hack with glee-laughter. Of course, it had to be a reference to a child's toy…

::shrivels lips up in an an amused, "Oh You" expression::



Right. I feel like it wasn't given the moment it deserved.

I just mentioned to a Xander defender up there that it pissed me off so bad that I to this day hold Nicky Brendon himself accountable. XD


I took it pretty clearly that he didn't want Buffy to stall; He wanted Angel DED DED DEDSKI.