RP McMurphy

I still blame Nicky Brendon himself for that bullshit.

The biggest kick of all of that in my opinion was placing the blame for ALL of it squarely on her shoulders, so that each horrifying incident filled her with self-blame.
Fuckin' A.


I am always surprised when people say he wasn't scary enough. He was terrifying in his jolliness. Right down to calling his wife, "Mother".

It did just sort of drop off, didn't it? I kept checking to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Prin.Ci.pal. Wood. ::salivate::

This line always stuck with me because of the way he said it. I know it's a weird fixation to catch on to, but he contracted the 'what' and 'does' to make "what's", and I just felt that someone as ancient and completely un-attuned (inattuned?) not attuned to common English vernacular (much like myself, obviously XD)

A "Low saving roll" indeed … and for me a natural miss! There are so many other amazing places that could have been taken that would have floored us, AND put Willow's relationship with Tara in jeopardy.

Oh man, I really AM about to watch this series again.

And the song from that old movie that plays at the end when Buffy sits down on the couch with her mom after that heart-breaking day - "Good niiiiight, my loooove; my moment with you now is end-iiing…. It was so heavenlyyyy…"
Ugh, I was but a wee lass, and my heart still broke for her with a harsh understanding of that

Fucking genius looking back on it with that perspective, too

That is some FANTASTIC insight into Angelus's ending the world brigade. That had NOT occurred to us, Dude.

Yeah, Spike gets cooler as I get older.

Oh God. I'm about to watch this series again, aren't I?

"…A reallll…. PASSION- for destruction…" <3


This was a SHINING Spike moment for me. This episode was fantastic.

"III LIKE this wuhld! You've got— dog racing… Manchester United!…" I had no idea what Manchester United was back then, but it sounded like a really good bank or some sort of common people's union for justice. XD

Do you recall that weird nasal sound Giles took on in —- season five, maybe?— where Buffy is trying to tell him the earthquakes are a sign of apocalypse, and he's telling her to "Concentrate on what is!" I'd never heard him so weird sounding. Looking back on it, I think it might have been a bad over-dubbing.

Marsters was the first time I heard an actor who played English speak like an American in reality. The first time I heard it, he was doing these spots with one of the other actors that would play as the lead in and lead out for commercials during a Buffy marathon. I'd learned that he was supposed to be American, but I