RP McMurphy

You did a really good job here of putting Angel's complexities into a visible understanding.

I had to log in so I could respond to this. I could have written your comment myself. I grew up watching in real time, too. Buffy started when I was in fifth grade, and the Scoobies were everything. Buffy was my first fandom too, other than (at the time, the Lord) It eventually got to the point where my highly

I enjoy everything you do here.

I don't know that the communities were really destroyed by their presence, as much as the likelihood of a community post- apocalypse surviving is highly unlikely to begin with. A community in a world like this is precariously dangling on the edge of destruction as it is. We can't ignore that Alexandria was destined to

Not to mention undoing all the work EVERYone else does in the comment section with graying out their plot revealing comments with formatting, etc. It's an unspoken understanding.

PERFECTLY explained. Sometimes a muddy character is just that.

I come here to read the recap and digest the comment section before I watch episodes because they trigger PTSD. I enjoy a good detailed rundown of these episodes so that I'm not a trembling mess every episode.
This episode, I really am getting quite a bit more from the comment section than the recap. This is a vague,

Points for style

It speaks volumes for how lazily Negan is being produced that, as I haven't watched this episode yet, I fully accepted your sarcastic Negan quote up there as his actual dialogue for a full second. In fact, I'm going to go ahead and ask. Was that actual script, or was that your deduction of his behavior?

Whoa thanks for the spoiler.

I bit my lips inside my mouth with a smirk.

Do they?? DO THEY??

And Spencer and his redundant and pointless "It's like taxes." filler line.

That's a fair assessment

Well, what the hell are we supposed to do now?

Hahahahaha, I heard those tiny baby voices while reading it.
"Yes, Nanny!"

This was my song, too - but they're struggling so hard to meet the requirements that holding back the good shit puts them in danger. : /

That's her!

You know, for people to continue making the point that it's just a tv show, that it's pointless to comment on it if you don't like it … They sure do simultaneously get fired up and go apeshit in defense of a mere tv show. Your comment is the equivalent of me telling you to not reply to their comment if you don't like

I should be embarrassed, but do you think you could put together some Negan/viewer romantic fanfic for me? ::whistles as she walks away::