RP McMurphy



OMG, I mentioned this to someone! You mean when he's all "That's all very well and fine! But [bla bla] and concentrate on what isss."
And that's when Buffy did the "Poo poo, southern California, Poo poo." comment-
When she was concerned about the earthquakes thing. YES, I've brought this up a million times but no

You're absolutely allowed to pick sides, even if it makes no sense to do so. I'm not on "Spike's side". This is a complex years long relationship between two complex adults who both have issues and "demons" you and I couldn't fathom dealing with. What made no sense was coming at me because I took issue with her

Two years later, I'm here to tell you the song is hot and creepy. ::shrug::

MAW-LEE! It must be FINE!

I found this thread in my Disqus notifications, and I need to let you know that based on wherever you might be, you might be able to see them. May 20th I got tickets to a show in BFE Tx - they were featured and Fuel was headlining. I drove over two hours to see them! It was a fantastic, if brief, show, and so small

I just wanted to find a group of MP fans to tell them that I just got to fucking see them front row, live, in a bfe town in Texas, and got my damn picture taken with Woz & Schlomie afterward. I took home an autographed copy of the first album on vinyl, and my life can go anywhere now. 8D

Oh, honey. Do we have to put thirteen asterisks after each discussion of Buffy's disagreeable behavior to recognize that she was a victim in this scene? Really? I didn't realize that because that scene happened, here twenty years later we're not allowed to acknowledge any dumb thing Buffy ever did without alluding to

I can run like Tara. Hahahaha


I never thought of several of these incredibly simple tactics, and I feel foolish.

Remember seasons two and three when everyone including Carl shot with razor sharp precision?

I mean, if nothing else, this season had STUFF N' THANGS, PEOPLE!

Hahaha. That's the way I felt when I quit smoking two years ago. Good on YOUU, RICK! ::Leans back with one shoulder in a way you won't recognize while sporting a big shit eating grin::


Completely agree. This one was of my favorite seasons. I like to think about how many people all over the world must have reacted exactly like my husband and I when we watched the camera pan up from her feet dragging to finally showing her face. We LOST it. The moment the camera panned away to the group's perspective


Don't make promises you can't keep!

That's so completely subjective that I don't even know how you think there's any value to that comment. In primary school, we learn the difference between a fact and an opinion. Unfortunately everything here is nothing but opinion. They're reviewers, not the news. We didn't come here looking for facts regarding the