RP McMurphy

Man, Shane really started tuh peyiss me awf, but BAYBEH, can you imagine Shane up against Negan?
I get the tingles.

"But didn't seem to hurt his brain at all…"
Think on that a sec.
Yep. Me, too.

I hated Connor so bad that I still hated him automatically on Mad Men. In fact, I kind of decided subconsciously that Mad Men was Connor after everything was over.

This was fantastic.

I smell fanfic on the horizon…

I looked for this.

On the contrary, I think it means he's going to play a big part in the salvation of Alexandria. See what they could do there??

You're trying to squeeze multiple facets into two dimensions.
Rosita is flatter than my freshman year chest.

The book of Matthew specifically regards thoughts as sins, in terms of adultery, so I don't know why mutinous ones wouldn't count.

I'm a human folk hero with a charisma of -1. In other words, I'm a Rick, but with an eye like Korl. I'd be kissing dirt from episode one.


Damn. I like you.


Poignant & succinct as FAHK




I don't understand why the reviewer doesn't understand Negan's fascination with the kid. It's not about Coral- it's never been about Coral. His ballsiness was what made him stand out as the leader's son - any other ass hat would have died, just like the Oceanside's boys. Negan is absolutely mentally geared here. He's

Sorry, put reply on the wrong comment

I scrolled back up and laughed