RP McMurphy

Hahahahahaha - I laughed out loud at quiet work on that one.


I loved when they did this with Morgan's 'being tamed' snapshot. The episode was out of nowhere, had no one else we'd seen before, and it successfully pulled off this "one episode spinoff" feel. Having it come in unannounced, and gone as soon as it appeared was artful. It seems as though they're trying to pull that

Thanks for the My Girl spoiler, asshole.


hahahahhaha - I saw it in my head as you wrote it… Fuckin' A

They think they're providing the comic relief with the same entity that created the tension to begin with: Negan.
Unfortunately, I don't find his wisecracks amusing- I find them very tired and in general I find him lazily written. It appears they are trying to make him ironically cliche'd, when the ironic cliche is

Right! This season has left me thinking, "MAN- is this how I sounded as a book nazi for GoT? I wish I could take back every stupid comment I ever made about having read the books. This season of TWD, if ANYTHING, proves how much having read the source material isn't necessarily a 'must do'. I can't imagine they're

HAHAHA- "I can haz accent?" - Morgan Freeman

Listen, Christian. I was like seven, and I loved it
(I really was just looking for an excuse to call someone that in this thread).

I'm at work, so I laughed quietly through my nose, and I'm sick, so then had clean up on aisle 9.

I'm campaigning to replace Gimple.

Maybe if they weren't so anal about big releases.

I loudly exclaimed my exasperation when the Carl/Enid conversation just kept rounding the same corners— they sounded like an improv scene in Twilight. Just talking in freaking circles with meaningless phrases, akin to, "Nuh-uh" "Uh-huh."
He shows up in the car at that one point, and establishes with a clever retort

I completely appreciate how you put it. It's funny how you incorporated the Swedish heli, because I've kind of decided that all of this barbaric new world action will be at a fever pitch, and then all of a sudden, military will come swooping in, and Negan, and all their goons, and all of Alexandria, and everyone will

Right! I'm so bored of him, and I hate that, because I'm so attracted to him. I wish he'd just shut up and fuck.

Unlike Rick, he'd likely make a plan and he'd follow through.

I think keeping someone as tested as Rick in place is necessary because it makes two adversaries for the group to overcome if they plan mutiny, which would deter them. If he eliminated Rick when Rick was participating, it would a: make it an easier choice to rise up, AND b: show them that even cooperating can mean

I guarantee you the actor refuses to cut it. Hopefully that's why they've made him so ridiculous - so no one will mourn losing him.

I had to look her up. This season has neglected people like her so utterly that I've forgotten about several people.