
I'd be cool with that, to be honest.

Rachel was annoyingly selfish and entitled. She was the fucking worst.

This is one of the reasons I really like Bad Teacher (spare me the judgemental sigh): the protagonist is a real asshole and she gets away with it and hasn't learned shit by the end of the movie.

My company found an excellent workaround for the "fear of getting sued (and losing, obviously)": regard your employees as disposable machines and they'll leave before they even get the chance to fuck up.

It's pretty damn catchy, I'd say. It's also the kind of song that you sing along and dance to when you've had a lot of rum.

Well I feel dumb now.

It's cute that you're so quick to think that a 26 year-old would be inevitably interested in a 48 year-old. I mean, that's what young people like, isn't it? Saggy everything.

Yeah, but Dany doesn't know that. She was being really stubborn, sure, but she has no reason to believe what some brooding northerner has to say about zombies and shit.

Isn't Joyce Carol Oates still alive?

Hasn't she always been refered to as Cersei of House Lannister? I figured it was because the Lannisters are (or were) one of the most powerful families in the seven kingdoms, and because Robert didn't give a single fuck about Cersei.

They're ugly, cause all newborns are fucking ugly, and their names are pretty fucking stupid. God, the level of worship Beyonce and Jay Z are getting makes me sick. Yes, they're talented enough folks, but for the love of god, stop it. Just stop it.

They're both self-absorbed assholes, so it actually makes sense. Aidan was too good for Carrie, who was all-around a terrible person.

If he does turn out to be straight, I wouldn't want him and Carmen to get together; they have such a sweet bond, and it doesn't seem sexual at all (I doubt pretty rich boys are Carmen's type). Also, I find Bash ridiculously attractive, so him making out with anyone, man or woman, would be great.

Poor Bash needs a hug. I think the issues with his mother might stem not from him spending the family money, but from him being gay.

…For half the paycheck???

Except they do? I mean, Sherlock Holmes wasn't the friendliest lad, but he was never the raging asshole Moffat has made him in Sherlock. At this point, Cumberbatch's Sherlock is pretty much Moffat jerking off in front of a mirror.

Are those nominations earned or are they like, customary nominations, like the ones Modern Family or Jim Parsons get every fucking year for no substantial reason?

I really wanted to like this album, mainly because I fucking hate Taylor Swift (yes, I'm petty like that) and because Katy Perry has made a bunch of catchy tunes that I like to sing along to when I'm doing chores, but yeah, this album sucks (I only listened to four songs before giving up). Even the artwork sort of

Well, I've only watched two episodes, but I'm not feeling it. Maybe it'll get better by the third, or maybe I'll keep watching out of pure Pushing Daisies nostalgia.

I said the same about Gilmore Girls, yet here we are.