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    Do the people know about the house Susan and Cosima were in? They seemed to be restricted to that small village. Until now they've all seemed happy with their circumstances with no desire to leave or explore their surroundings. When Charlotte initially told cosima about the island in the picture she described

    IRL people don't literally burn their own houses. And they usually aren't in walking distance of the specific person who caused their harm. The people on the island burned their own stuff when the person they are mad at is steps away. The writers missed an opportunity by ending things with Westmoreland watching people

    She always had big cheeks. They just got bigger because she's bigger.

    But, the writers will never let that happen. There are so many times that people should have called Olivia out but didn't. It would make it more realistic if she got some push back sometimes during her decent into evilness.

    What did I watch? I don't even know what Scandal is about anymore. Has the entire series really been about power corrupting the (so-called) gladiator. Olivia is a exactly like her father. I don't have a reason to root for her and haven't for a long time.

    Nope. No one knows the team. They know Olivia. The team works in the shadows. They could have done a better job of showing the transition by having the team work directly with clients earlier (on things other than hurting ppl). But, Scandal hasn't made sense for a long time. I don't think we're supposed to be using

    Whoa calm down. I have a point, you just disagree with it…and don't seem to understand it. Point is, when Olivia had clients, it was because SHE had an established reputation as a fixer and knew all the right people to get th job down. Clients went to OPA for Olivia. Quin has no reputation as a fixer. Quin has no

    That's my point. If people can't get Liv, they will go to someone else. That someone else will have a reputation and experience as a fixer. That's why it doesn't make sense to continue OPA (or whatever they are going to call it) without Liv. No one is going to hire Quin.

    He's the only decent person left. He brought some life out of Mellie. And he's good eye candy even when he isn't doing anything.

    Olivia was the reputation. She was the fixer everyone wanted. No one knew who the rest of them were. They were all replaceable except Liv.

    Quin taking over doesn't make sense (but then again, that's the case with a lot of things on scandal). People went to OPA specifically because of Olivia's reputation and her connections. Quin has neither of those. Olivia was able to get the job done because of the people she knew and her resources. Quin's only skill

    Quin to Olivia: "when did you stop gladiating wearing the white hat?"
    -A long time ago, Quin. A long time ago. The former Olivia is a thing of the past. Quin's acting still isn't good enough to pull off any of the traits the writers want her to have. I hope they keep Marcus around next season.

    I didn't like that Fitz and Olivia allowed him to talk to them like that either. It doesn't make sense for Fitz to act as if Rowan has any authority. Once Rowan made it clear he wasn't going to be helpfu, Fitz was free to treat him however he wanted.

    The "scary shadow government" lady's acting is so unbelievably bad. Knowing that both her parents are actors and her father is one of the best actors on Scandal makes her acting inconceivable. Her stepmom being the casting director should not have been enough to get her this gig. Her scenes are hard to sit through.

    Same here.

    That's probably why we haven't seen Susan. She's too good for this group.

    No I just got my first tv yesterday.

    But we haven't seen her in a very long time. Characters aren't supposed to disappear without an explanation.

    They said they did the what if now because this was their way of celebrating the 100th episode. Timing wise, it's the time that makes sense if they were ever going to do it.

    With any luck your co-workers dont read AVClub. If they do, plenty of people have pointed out that it was dumb in the comments. Problem solved.