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    That's not any worse than me watching that scene thinking "this clone is a little prettier than the others." It's crazy how easy it is to forget they are all the same person. Tatiana is amazing and doesn't get nearly as much credit as she should in Hollywood. I think the same is true for the OB wardrobe/makeup

    I guess you didn't see season 4

    What's wrong with that? She's a little kid not an adult Oscar winner. The fact that she wasn't capable isn't a huge insult given her age. It's not that big of a deal. It's not about Cynthia not being a good actress but she isn't right for the role of young Helena. She's a child for crying out loud.

    You said they probably didn't intend for Sarah and Felix to call her mum originally and that Mrs S was an antagonist to sarah. I think it's more likely they had this same relationship with Mrs S since they were young. We just didn't see it in the beginning because the show starts at a tense time in their relationship.

    IDK about that. A biological mother would have acted the same way towards Sarah that Mrs. S did in season 1 because she was pissed off at Sarah for leaving Kira for almost a year. She didn't trust Sarah not to hurt kira. If Mrs. S didn't always consider Sarah a daughter she would have treated Kira as another foster

    Sarah calls Mrs. S mum when she's feeling vulnerable.

    The episode would have been better if they hadn't run the "previews" telling us the episode was going to be so thrilling, amazing, shocking, and twenty other adjectives, that they couldn't show us a real preview. That and the fact that things were going too well made it beyond obvious that people were going to die. Of

    yep. Usually does

    The Castor clones were not an enjoyable storyline but as much as I dislike them they were a necessary plotline when you think of the larger plan of cloning. If the plan was to experiment with human cloning there doesn't appear to be a reason they would only make female clones.

    ITA. That's exactly how it appeared to me as well.

    I think they are rushing too much. Like they may have needed more episodes or less storylines. I don't like this new Alison either but I like the idea of her struggling with her identity. I think that's something a lot of stay at home moms deal with. And being a clone who has been told that she's worth less than her

    Really? Maybe it's Tatiana's own excellence working against her. In the other characters she basically becomes them to the point that it feels like they are all played by different people. But, watching Tony definitely felt like watching someone act. It wasn't natural. Tony stood out so much, especially next to other

    Oh I didn't realize there was a Tony portrait. Good catch. Now that you mention it, I think that subtle acknowledgement of Tony is the best way for the writers to acknowledge Tony and will probably be the last acknowledgment we get. There's no way to work Tony into the storyline without it feeling contrived at this

    I hope Tony never returns. Tatiana is an amazing actress…except when she plays Tony. The character as a whole didn't fit the show. I can't remember what the real purpose was.

    You mean the viewers who clearly weren't paying attention to the show. Anyone who didn't know the show takes place in Canada shouldn't be allowed to call themselves OB fans. Did people need to see Sarah wearing a "I ❤️ Canada" shirt?

    Im pretty sure they've made it clear they were in Canada the entire series.

    Thanks. I always wondered about that. I knew she always meant it as a term of endearment but it stood out for me so much that it was hard to take it that way. I thought it might be a British thing I was missing. Mrs. S is supposed to be from Ireland originally. Now, I'm impressed the writers were so thorough in their

    The difference in Allison's impersonations of Sarah makes sense based on where we are in the series. The first time Allison impersonated Sarah she had only met Sarah a few times and each of those encounters was contentious. She has since spent more time with Sarah and understands her better.

    Same here. This episode was pretty good but the season as a whole hasn't been great. The series started out so good season 1 but overtime got less captivating. But, I will still be sad to see it go.

    I'm not impressed with this season.