I don't think Marcus should have been in the episode at all because he wasn't around when they rigged the election and he isn't connected to that story at all.
I don't think Marcus should have been in the episode at all because he wasn't around when they rigged the election and he isn't connected to that story at all.
As a black woman I find it hard to believe that this one line on a blog is going to cause stress in my life or the life of any other black woman. I got a lot of compliments from my co-workers (non of whom are black) when I went from straight hair to my natural coily hair. It was a bad/corny joke and inaccurate but…
They succeeded with that one because I can't recall him on scandal at all. I had to google it. I see him in the pictures but I don't remember him.
I think we were supposed to forget Harrison ever existed.
You know it's a boring episode when so many comments are about the reviewer's comments on hair rather than the episode.
I think she was joking though.
A lot of people have been saying they are hate watching Scandal this season. I haven't felt that way until now. This episode was painful to watch.
I thought I was the only one who wanted Abby to slap Olivia back. Olivia can't judge anyone for any wrong doing because she's done it all herself. Olivia threatened to beat Abby with a chair the way she did the guy she killed but she thinks she has some moral high ground to judge Abby.
Never heard of it.
Bryce makes me want to pull my hair out.
Bryce Dallas Howard and Dakota Johnson are proof the acting gene is not hereditary.
It's a misstep wrapped in nepotism.
It's a misstep wrapped in nepotism
I think I'm going to maintain this even after finding out what her plan is. Her voice is too annoying for me. And I think she overacts. Her acting stands out too much on this show.
Well, she is Jefft Perry's daughter. Jeff's wife is the casting director. The director probably has to work with what he or she has. Although, I'm surprised the director hasn't told her to tone it down a bit. But, then again Scandal has been making a lot of missteps lately.
I never remember which season certain things happen. But, I agree with your assessment of Olivia and Fitz. It blows my mind that so many people actually expected Olivia and Fitz to end up together. That would be the most unrealistic thing ever (well, not literally given all the ridiculous plots Scandal has had). But,…
Abby doesn't deserve an apology. People rightly commented on the absurdity of her actions at the time. We can only comment on the information we have.
That new woman, Samantha I think, is so annoying. Her voice is annoying. Her character is annoying. And she's not a good actor. This entire storyline is annoying. It doesn't make sense. How stupid would Abby have to be to trust random people who show up and offer her $300 million to run for president? Abby has not…
Because it's full of people making ridiculous comments. Anyone talking about Dr. Dre clearly has never seen the show.
Yea and interesting that it's this character and not something benign like a mailman or school teacher.
It really shouldn't be hard for people to figure that out smh