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    Her father killed Wes, likely because he was dating Laurel. She blamed everyone else for Wes's death and even told Connor to kill himself when all he did was unsuccessfully rescue Wes and save himself. Laurel isn't responsible for Wes' death but he would still be alive if he didn't get involved with her. Of everyone

    Laurel is insufferable. She dated Wes for a few months at most. Being pregnant does not mean she's the only person grieving. Her outbursts are unjustified. The fact that AK never called laurel on it is a testament to how much she sacrifices of herself to protect the students.

    This was one of the better episodes. Why no review?

    Lmbo. I don't think that will happen but that was funny 😂

    I don't think Annalise's mom forgot to turn off the gas the first time lol.

    I must be the only person who didn't mind this episode. Abby's thirst for power is annoying. I've had to suspend reality and ignore Olivia's shortcomings as a person to get into this show from the beginning so it's more of the same. Nothing can be worse than the season Olivia was kidnapped. I like seeing the softer

    Oh sorry I thought you were saying my Michaela and her mom. Someone said that a few weeks ago because Michaela's mom left without notice and it could have been because she was up to something.

    Atwood hates the way AK wins. She always has a trick up her sleeve. She thinks AK is involved in criminal activity but never gets caught. AK also makes Atwood look like a fool on a regular basis and has told Atwood off in her own office. Not to mention she was sleeping with Nate but Nate was still into AK despite all

    I don't think so. what motive does her mom have? Michaela has been the weakest link from the beginning with Sam. She hated Wes but she wouldn't kill him. Connor is going to be involved somehow. He probably accidentally hurt Wes. I think AK know more than saying but she didn't kill him.

    I think the person who killed Wes and the person who burned down the house are going to be two different people.

    Can you tell when someone checks your voicemail? I thought Oliver only found out Connor checked his voicemail because Thomas told him.

    This episode was one of my least favorites. It's not believable. Yea I know the entire show is unbelievable. But, this particular storyline was weak. After 20 years Capone's brother is going to decide to arrest his brother because three strangers show up at his house? Yea right.

    Hmmm. Could be. Oliver has been suspicious lately. Conner pointing out how good a liar Oliver is has to be significant. Oliver has also been too determined to work for Analise and be part of the Keating 5. He's up to something.

    You're right about Michaela. Whenever Laurel wasn't around, Michaela was primarily concerned with whether or not Laurel went to the police. Michaela is more devious than she appears. She basically created a new identity in order to married the rich guy and admitted to it in the episode with Lyn Whitfield. She stole

    Meggie loved Wes. I think she wants some connection to Wes' child.

    I didn't care for Laurel at the memorial either. Like you said, she didn't know everyone in Wes' life. She only recently got involved with Wes. I think she's full of herself in that regard. I also don't like the way she wen off on Meggie for trying to lookout for her in the hospital. Wes left Meggie for Laurel and

    I could actually see that. She had a deep hatred for Wes for a long time. It was really unwarranted. She used him as a scapegoat. But, it wouldn't work well because Michaela was always the weakest link when it came to keeping the secrets and doing all the illegal things they were doing.

    I just have to point out Ciley Tyson is 92 years old. Tyson is amazing in every sense of the word.

    That's true, especially if they go 60+ years in the future. But what purpose do they have for going to the future?

    I was thinking of Repo Men.