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    There was a movie where they repossessed people's organ's if they couldn't pay. That's cold. But maybe it would be desirable in these sort of situations.

    That would break my heart. Someone has to be decent. Meggie is the only hope.

    This show is a little cheesy and there are some things that don't make sense. But, I kinda love it. It's nice to have a show that doesn't take itself too seriously. The actors are perfect for their roles and have good chemistry. Hopefully, NBC keeps this around. If JLo's show is coming back this definitely deserves a

    They said something about not being able to go to any time that currently exists. That's why Rufus said they barely made the cut when they went to the 80s because the time they went to was a few months before he was born. Maybe they can't go to the future because they don't know when they die. Also, Flynn is going

    Thank you. I didn't see his/her comment history until after I responded. He/she was not happy with me last week because I brought up Fitz committing murder and committing adultery. I thought that might be an account from someone who works for the show that doesn't tolerate bad comments about Olivia and Fitz.

    I got the feeling she wanted to see what Bonnie and Analise were saying to the police to make sure all their stories matched.

    Laurel told frank she saw someone in the house before Bonnie told her to tell the police.

    I think the writers think we've all forgotten about Asher committing murder. It's like it never existed.

    Bonnie killed Rebecca. She knows how much Wes loved Rebecca. Wes is the only person who would turn her in for Rebecca's murder. It makes sense that she would see Wes as a threat and want him gone. He also got the love Fromm analise that Bonnie always craved.

    Thank you!!! That's been irritating me for a long time. Those whiny kids, especially Michaela and Conner, are pissed at Annalise when Annalise's main role has been keeping them out of jail. She wasn't always warm and fuzzy and coddling them the way they wanted but she did protect them.

    I don't think the white hat ever existed that was a myth Olivia created so she could look at herself in the mirror. This new Olivia is just the same Olivia we've always had who is finally owning who she is.

    I wasn't comparing them. IJS Olivia isn't capable of being anyone's friend and everyone should know it by now. The FBI director was actually sincere with Olivia and thought Olivia was doing the same but of course being friends with the director was just a means to an end for Olivia.

    I don't know why anyone considers Olivia a friend. She's a miserable, manipulative b***h who will use anyone for her own gain. Marcus summed her up last week when she said she was his friend and he responded "no, you're Olivia Pope." Do the writers think we don't remember the previous seasons? Why would Mellie ever

    I don't think anyone is saying Frank is guilty of killing her baby as in he'll go to jail for it. It's that he was a trusted person in her life and helped set the actions in motion that led to the baby's death. Even Frank felt guilty after he found out she lost her baby. I think anyone would, especially since he did

    That's true.

    I didn't know the new woman was famous. I don't mind the recasting because the other lady was annoying.

    I don't think Asher is racist. I think he's a rich, striaght white guy who up until law school was in a world where everyone around him was also rich, straight and white and his upbringing led him to believe his whole life that he's always right or just misunderstood. He was involved in a girls rape and never suffered

    Yes I see that. I just think Michaela and Conner scapegoat a lot. Also, Michaela is dating Asher who murdered a woman for saying something mean to him and they all helped cover that up yet they don't hate Asher. I think Michaela and Conner both needed someone to blame for their decisions because they didn't want to

    They are adults. They made their decisions. That's on them. "I wanted to do right but someone talked me out of it" doesn't hold up when you're hiding dead bodies.

    I agree about Asher. I had forgotten about his murder until I read the comments here last season because the show still presents him as the jovial frat boy. I don't recall him having any remorse for what he did. And the way everyone still treats him like the lovable guy who's only fault is being obnoxious makes