Meggie is literally the only sane person on the show. No way she has done anything wrong, especially not murder.
Meggie is literally the only sane person on the show. No way she has done anything wrong, especially not murder.
They are all bad people and I wish they would acknowledge it. It was annoying the way they always blamed Wes and Annalise for everyone's problems as if they were all innocent victims. They all brought all of this on themselves when they decided to get rid of Sam's body rather than call the police. And they've been…
Being better than Mellie and Olivia isn't saying much. I agree, Fitz started out better than everyone else and in comparisons he still is. However, I can't say he's good since he committed murder when he smothered the woman in the hospital. He's also an unapologetic adulter. His wife was horrible but adultery is…
I trhought Jake's wife was different also.
Oh yes, she's been annoying for a while. It was the worst to me on this episode.
He does? Is that the money they stole from B613?
No, she didn't. You are right in your assumption that she was out of line.
There were a lot of things I forgot since it's been so long since scandal has been on. I also felt like they skipped over some things or just created some new things. I don't remember how Mellie ended up living in the White House with fitz again. I thought they were broken up. I also don't remember Marcus being press…
LOL. you're so right. Now, if someone could break it down like that to her. It would have to be Quinn or Huck. Everyone else is too in weak to ever call her on her crap, and there's a lot to call her on.
That's what makes it so ridiculous that Olivia didn't think either of those things. My first thought is always "Papa Pope did it" because he's so evil. But, the second thought is always "if not Papa Pope, it's Cyrus." It doesn't make any sense that Olivia has to be convinced Cyrus is capable of such a thing.
That scene was cringeworthy. Abby wants to be powerful so badly but she doesn't know how or when to pull rank. I agree, her theatrics were so annoying at the hospital. She came off like someone with new power who was waiting for an opportunity to do that. She's not going to build the relationships with people that…
Olivia is annoying now. All the speedy speeches are no longer intriguing. The fast talking feels forced because they think the audience won't know it's Scandal unless someone is giving a powerful speech after every commercial break.
I don't know why people ever thought otherwise. Water seeks its own level.
"It's a bad idea to fuck with a guy with a time machine." LMBO
ITA. I really like this show. Everything is there for them to make an amazing show but they keep missing the mark a little. I hope they figure out what to do with everything they have before it's too late. I don't want this to get cancelled before they really develop it.
I think they may be setting up for a male agent to come in at some point. I think Ginny needed a female agent in the beginning and she needed someone who genuinely cared about her well-being and not just the money like most agents. Amelia was great for that. But, Amelia is used to dealing with pampered actors and…
I liked the Ross storyline also. I liked Ross and would like to see more of him. But, it feels like they have a lot of characters on this show. They are all good people you can root for but it's a lot of peripheral stories that don't add much to Ginny's story which is supposed to be the focus of the show.
Conner had been sleeping on Michaela's sofa. Her mom found the phone in the sofa cushions.
ITA. I also throught it was odd that Amelia would send Ginny in to make a demand like that to the manager. I thought the whole point of having an agent was that you have someone else to have those awkward, heated conversations for you.
I thought he was saying that player was MIT Ross' suggestions basically throughing MIT Ross under the bus for making a bad call. But, I don't know baseball so I could be totally wrong.