
They could have at least made the main guy hot. This show looks so bad.

Wasn't "hug" one of the code words from Fernando's twitter? I think it was always meant as a threat.

Bride is a lot better than Seed. Seed is just bonkers.

Oh wow, I forgot all about that. I thought I saw some panels from it?

Transparent is better than anything Netflix has produced.

I think the bigger problem is that they can't get the rights to Silence of the Lambs, actually. I wonder if Amazon investigated acquiring them and found another season a lot less lucrative in light of their denial.

I'm one of those viewers. It's a dark comedy—they're supposed to be awful, I think. And the daughter who dated the the trans guy is almost literary in her unknowability. I truly don't understand what's going on with her and it's thrilling in a way.

Fair enough, but the vast majority of responses to the announcements that this season won't have occult elements expressed disappointment. My little theory about why he canned that aspect was that he figured he couldn't pull off plagiarizing most of it again this season. Or that's he's deluded himself into thinking he

Speaking of overrated hacks whose careers are in free-fall…

Are people really trying to say the critics who asked for one measly female character that wasn't getting naked or murdered are stifling Pizzolatto's genius? It broke his back to write a role for Rachel McAdams? I seem to remember a lot of petulance from him on the subject of female characters anyway, so what did he

As the lone voice among my friends saying season one sucked, I hear ya. Excited to confirm the emperor has no clothes.

Before I watched the trailer I was grossed out by the idea of a female superhero show with romcom elements but after I realized that's a hell of a lot more interesting than the usual boring procedural crap superhero shows serve. I like shows about women with office romances and the action looks fun. I'm not going to

In one episode, a friendly lesbian couple (A.V. Club columnist Cameron Esposito and Anna Konkle) asks Maron to be a sperm donor to help them start a family, which leads to a series of awkward sexual encounters between Maron and the couple after they decide to conceive naturally.

i don't like when straight white guys try to get their ally points by clumsily criticizing benign entertainment and revealing their own implicit biases in the process. you don't have to offer your half baked opinion on everything, sometimes it's better to be quiet.

i kinda resent you saying titus isn't "normal." he's a broke campy theater queen. they exist and they're normal. like, screw you, you probably straight white guy

I think someone up top did like it, but if it didn't have the things I already mentioned going for it—you wouldn't believe how many college aged girls I know who watch it, and it did very well online—there's no amount of favoritism that could have kept in on the air. Personally, I could see the faults in that it

Yes, she got a tv show because she's a minority. Not because she's a talented, ambitious writer/actor. Do you think Obama is only president because of affirmative action too, idiot?

it's hilarious to think that hollywood fell over themselves to protect an indian woman with a non-size-zero body. the show stayed on the air because it did well with women and online and held a small amount of prestige.

I really have trouble believing they couldn't convince Julianna to do ONE measly scene with Archie (and there's no doubt in my mind Julianna's the problem, she's a producer and Archie still does scenes with everybody else). I mean, it's the only explanation but…really? She couldn't bear being in the same room with her