
Kind of struggling with the idea of Michaela Watkins playing Kyle Mooney's mother. I can't imagine casting basically an SNL contemporary in that role..

Throwing Shade is premiering its first season, unless you're counting their short-lived webseries on Funny or Die. Which you shouldn't because that was years ago and it was just a edited taping of the podcast.

Do you often call women who aren't dressed to your liking lesbians, creep?

yeah that sounds a lot more convenient than using their player

I'm happy you accepted your full time job as firstposter here too.

I think they get a lot of money from some Chicago sports broadcast agreement, if you are looking for an answer that isn't some of that famous AVClub commenter "humor"

yes, it's insulting to call something stupid.

Say it's stupid. Example: "the comment I'm replying to is stupid."

I thought of Rectify, which is exactly the type of show those two would binge together.

Alana is probably what's being referred to there.

well put. Lynch is so brilliant for using the machinery of cinema to evoke the experience of dreams without actually depicting what real dreams are like—tedious and incoherent, usually.

Probably like 20 million dollars

everything suggests this is the last season but no announcement has been made. the Kings have a new show in development. I'm honestly worried it will get another season. the show needs to end

NPH has a strange bullying streak that shows up every time he speaks lately, it seems. "Maybe you can buy a smaller house now!" Said to one of the contestants in the karaoke segment. He seems like a jerk to me.

Everybody Olivia Munn dates is gay in my opinion and usually has the same management as her. Having already heard the rumors about him this headline made me laugh. Basically a confirmation.

The AVClub commenter "community" is so great because it means I have to scroll down a mile, past amazing pun threads, jokes, references, non-sequitors, derails, and catchphrases in order to find an actual discussion of the topic at hand. Boo, you've interrupted the interminable circlejerk that defines this site's

I guess I'm the only one who had to peer at that act through my fingers because I thought he was so douchey and over-serious. Ugh, the way he blew smoke out of his mouth…He's like GOB but harder to laugh at.

Huh, I guess I was wrong about that. It's probably been a decade since I've seen Will and Grace but I thought I remembered it as just another punchline machine of a sitcom. The Curb comparison makes a lot more sense to me.

I truly don't understand how anyone could think of this show having a "spiritual predecessor" in Will and Grace. I guess it has a redhead and a gay guy?