
Everyone check out how bad this comment is

I just heard about this yesterday from a commercial that used a quote from Glenn Beck praising it. Despite that warning I'm still actually shocked and scandalized this ends the way it apparently does.

Some have pointed out that if Meadow had arrived earlier the shooter would not have had a clean shot on Tony and since it's verboten to kill family members Tony would have survived that moment.

Jordan Peele's impression is amazing. Jay's, in addition to being stilted and unfunny, isn't even that good.

Are you aware that you just posted a picture of a guy with hair plugs, a dye job and botox?

What is going on behind the scenes of this show? Is Julianna Margulies just impossible to work with? She literally hasn't been in the same room as Kalinda for two years.

I don't know how or why it happened but if the networks have decided to make a play for prestige programming again I'm all for it. This was really good.

God, I love that line, although Falco's performance may be blinding. He's so hard on himself.

I never found him funny on TDS. Sitcom dad sounds right.

Actually for those two shows they paid exceedingly well. Having a consistent, young, sizable, 4 nights a week audience was extremely important to Comedy Central.

Hey! Another Wonderfalls fan! :) sorry for jacking your name

He's so hot. I couldn't pay attention to the dialogue on The Good Wife at all when both he and Pedro Pascal we're in scenes together.

He's responsible for Kid President. He can fucking rot in hell.

I'm a hog truther. I don't think it's his real hog.

How apt that David Fincher looked at handsome, masculine, no-depth Ben Affleck and saw a muse.

I really don't have anything to say other than this post made me laugh out loud. Bravo.

So she's an actress and wrote and starred in a travelogue show? That makes her at best a journalist. I'm seriously not attacking her, she seems very intelligent and talented. But it still appears they hired guys based on comedy experience and a woman based on her ability to read lines in front of a camera.

He's pretty. Just like the presenter with no comedy experience. This show has strange priorities.

Two comedians and a presenter/model. Guess which one is a woman? Not a great sign for what this show is up to.

Don't forget his "elton john married a man, sorry ladies" joke, which is honestly maybe the worst joke I've ever heard on weekend update. It actually made me angry. I can't believe that the fact that elton john is gay is a source of humor in the year 2014. It's cheap, dumb, and offensive. Fucking fire this prep school