Tony D

I don't care what his race I care that he is the second-newest member of the show.

I hated how vague they were in the finale! First we see her run away then a shot of Doug with a shovel. If the writers are going to have him kill her why can't they show it for fucksake??

My favorite line of the whole show was "I am a female and I like inspecting bodies."

How could the writer of this review discuss celebrities playing versions of themselves and not mention "The Larry Sanders Show" which invented that? Come on!!

I thought it was the best episode of the season because of that.

I really didn't get the Harvey Weinstein/ Chris Kyle joke. Does Harvey have a reputation for killing other producers to win Oscars???? Is that it?

That sounds awful can't they just bring back "In Treatment" for a fourth season?

My favorite line of the show was Penny talking about how her and Leonard are cool and hip because they watch Netflix, "Is it a comedy is it a drama?" I thought it was a wink about "Orange is The New Black".

Yes they were beyond awesome, and after those episodes the show started to suck.

Vanessa Williams served no purpose, they could have cut every scene she was in and it would not have made any difference.

I was very upset at that line! Mindy(The real and fake one) is so not obese. Imagine if someone said that to Hannah on "GIRLS".

That must be why it was a made-up version of the show. Steve Harvey is such an asshole that there was no way he would play himself and good thing too because Keegan killed it, I wish this had been a two-part episode like the Hgh-reunion episode.

Why didn't she say anything against his awful shit??

I was hoping to see more of that side so bad!!!

I was super confused at first because I know Frank is a Democrat, and no real democrat is against entitlements. Is the show making a point that anyone in politics could be evil or just not being realistic??

My dad and I couldn't believe Ed Asner got away with all those homo-phobic and sexist slurs in that scene! Do the writers think the show is on HBO????

Does no one else find it odd that every writer of "VEEP" is male, considering it's a comedy with a woman as the lead??

Laura Spencer who plays Emily is actually on "Bones" right now as well. That may explain it.

It totally reminded me of "Fawlty Towers" which I now want to watch again.

I noticed it too I freaking loved that they did an homage to "Birdman"!