Tony D

These characters are supposed to be stupid, in a drama about doctors it would make no sense for a gyno doctor to get pregnant by accident. But this is a sitcom where it's clear the main characters are meant to be imperfect for laughs.

I realize fully that because they made Danny a devout Catholic they will never even approach the subject of an abortion but I do not want to see her have a baby. It would totally change and ruin the show since the characters are doctors you can bet they would be talking about babies all the time, which would suck.

Just one part of it was in Penny's apartment the story took up two settings plus the fantasy of Amy's fanfic was another so it was close.

Please tell me it's actually Tina Fey as Sarah Palin!!!

It was an excellent episode I think but you can't call it a bottle episode since they were in Leonard's lab so that's 3 settings total.

I know but I still expected less from them, considering how the show handled Ron having a son.

Am I the only one who was mad when the triplets were there and were a bigger part of the show than expected. I mean when the season started I expected to hear about them but never see them or the room they are in, and half this episode was about them which I thought the writers would not do.

This isn't the first time I have seen a woman piss on TV(Big Love) but it was the first time I recall that the camera focused on her groin. Could Jessa act like anymore of an entitled asshole in that scene? She really thought she would get away with pissing in the street in the daytime and then acted like a victim

I would prefer to go the rest of my life never seeing any Adam Sandler sketches every again.

It would if it was written by Aaron Sorkin.

The show got way better once it focused on the EMMYS because the stuff at the party was just so damn awkward. I loved everything with James Burrows and Sean Hayes, Valerie's interactions with real celebrities are so funny and the way that Billy told her not to be in the same shot as the producer in a wheelchair showed

Yes that is what a catchphrase is and Valerie was clearly saying it in the exact same tone that Monica used in "Friends", watch both and compare if you don't believe me!

Did no one else notice Valerie using the phrase "I know" during "The Talk" interview a few times, that was Monica's catchphrase on "Friends" so either this show exists in the same universe as "Friends" or it doesn't and Valerie made up her own catchphrase to show she is as annoying as Monica, or is it possible that it