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    One, two, three, baby!

    When you are able to accurately guess which teams would be in the finals during preseason and there was never any doubt, it should tell you how sad the league has become. Give me some parity, not a script.

    The guy in the purple suit was smart to suggest twitter. The sooner the riot gets out tot he public, the sooner it gets busted up. Either way most of the big characters have bought themselves a few more years (some substantially more) to their sentence.

    So how isolated is this prison that half the people in it seem to have zero clue what is actively happening?

    The guy has made a career out of calling everyone else a bigot etc

    Kevin will need rotator cuff surgery after all the high fives he'll be getting once the guys in high school find out.

    The SO watched OITNB so I would watch it with her to kill time. The first couple of seasons were pretty decent but it really jumped the shark after that.

    People that pluck at low hanging fruit with little ability to think for themselves and just appeal to the common masses keep plugging him when it is irrelevant. Once I see that (same with Obama back in the day) I just lose all focus on the writer.

    The second season of Master of None was sub par at best. If he gets the third season would hope for the sophomore slump. But he has some work to do.

    Frank gleefully threatening to wrap his tire iron around the guys head was a delight. Even with his bad breaks he still wants to be a part of his family, even if he pretends to complain the whole time.

    All baristas and poets living in upscale apartments in the heart of NYC

    A terrible show that should have never made it past season one let alone a revival.

    One , two , three, baby!

    I must have been one of only a few that was never enamored with the Erin character. And to make her the center of yet another love story/ triangle in the final season was just stupid and boring. Pretty much the episode post Michael's departure up to the final two episodes should have been cut (simply because the

    Maybe the are familiar with tech, in later episodes the old lady Erin stays with has to spoon feed Erin how to set up a video chat.

    I would be curious to see his travel and lodging accommodations to appear on this show.

    Glad there will be a season 2, but no Lithgow makes me wonder since he was the comedic lead.

    The worst thing the writers ever did with this show was bring back that insufferable Nellie character. Her opening scene with the sexism baiting was beyond annoying and her character just gets worse as time goes. She should have never gone past her interview scene. This is where the show is unwatchable (minus the

    An unfunny "comedian" with a brain killing voice that makes you want to drown babies in a blind rage trying desperately to be relevant by plucking at low hanging fruit.
    No loss.

    So lots more cousin lovin and bananas that cost what? Ten dollars?