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    Don't watch BoJack then, that show prides itself on social commentary and depression.

    I love this show but I can agree, they offer nothing and really set apart from the rest of the cast. Had the show been set in a more southern region or in the country I could see their place.

    This was an okay season at best. Tried to take on too much and got discombobulated. If it gets a third season a bit more focus would help.

    Sucks for you the show is hilarious

    The guy on the toilet all red faced straining had me rolling.

    Loved this episode, laughed a lot especially with Frank's outburst.

    Boring episode

    hopefully it stays that way. Too much politics shoe horned into television now.

    Gene delivered, some God gave him rhythm to go with those legs

    Beef Squatch!

    True, much higher than the average group. I personally was not interested enough to continue on. I have a friend however that does the same style of dance and I'm sure he would/does love them.

    Yeah there is a lot to see, but in the end it's just another city. Been there countless times, just another city.

    Watched a few videos of them. Not denying their talent or coordination but they offered nothing new I didn't see from the break dancers in high school. Must not be my thing that I didn't get all worked up over them. Maybe if they were a bit more acrobatic I would get on board but pop and lock gets boring to me after

    NY is an okay city to visit,. At first you can get wrapped up int he sights, nut after the second day it's just another over priced, over crowded city. TV and movies rely too hard on anyone not from the "city" as being ignorant or too easily impressed and overwhelmed.

    Not sure what the host of a cupcake show pays or his commericals, but I could see him being somewhat comfortable now. I expect Arnold is a trust fund baby. Not sure about Brian's situation but given the financial acumen his father portrays I can see him having a portfolio to fall back on.

    Hopefully the Jabbawockeez do something more impressive (did not bother to research) then what they did on the show because I saw nothing to get excited about.

    Urban millenials make everything look so hard, but you do have to give an appreciative nod to the girl who just casually states she is living off her parents' money and Aziz gets that disgusted look on his face. As for dating apps, never used them, never will so I can;t tell you how much of the first date atmosphere

    Meh, SNL has been coasting off its reputation for decades (ala Simpsons). Should just let it die

    Hard Pass

    Show was decent but found myself less and less interested the past two seasons. Really only Schmidt and Winston made me laugh.