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    This was a decent show but in the end it was far too corny, sappy and really shoe horned all the "what they became" stories.
    Leslie is your type of bleeding heart politician that would sooner see everyone be dependent on the government than think for themselves.

    A lot of TV is like being in a crowd of hipsters, most people like or love the show, but once it becomes popular or "cool", it's chic to hate on it for appearances.

    Well, Rick did say this would be their darkest season yet. Such a stupid concept (pickle) turned into a hilarious episode of classic Rick. I loved the scene of Morty describing the sequence of antipickle serum set for ten minutes after they would have left for therapy and Rick just giving him a look like "you little

    I could go for that if not for the Jaguar character in the very same episode.

    "That's the point of automation, to decrease costs and labor!"

    You could tell the reviewer was just itching to play the white privileged card there where race was never an episodic issue, and finally got it in at the last moment.

    cash or check is fine. No credit

    Just laugh at is as the joke it was rather than trying to find a social interpretation and debating for 18 months how you feel about it.

    Just shows how desperate some people are to feel like they are part of something.

    I especially love though how it's chic for a lot of people to claim they
    never watched and it's always been a terrible show because most cannot
    think for themselves. Very similar to the big bang theory where people try to act like it was terrible from the start, as I assume most look over at their box set DVDs and

    As long as 90% of the show reviews and comments aren't "is she a guy or a gal?". That got tedious real quick. Because in the end it was like, who gives a f&^*?

    While not considered one of their best seasons I felt it better than the LA PI one. That season started with potential and then just fizzled away at the end. Far too many tangents as fillers IMO. Te lead villain Veronica whoever was uninteresting and the voice actress seemed to just be reading from the script while

    Look to the creators of the show and all is explained.

    It's called lucky number seven for a reason!

    The whole chink in the armor racist plug was way too shoe horned in to be funny, more of an annoying scene that was only validated by the diarrhea scene.

    Charlie is whatever the situation at hand is. He is the true moderate who floats between the lines.

    My favorite gag was the daughter at the funeral next to the dead girl's picture when they are trying to figure out her name "No one cares" and she flips the picture aside.

    The disappointments of going away for college, not returning after four years. Time passes, your life moves on, so do your friends. You come back after a decade plus to realize just how different everyone has become. People have grown into adults, with families, careers and the good times have passed.
    People who were

    Some one has to be strong, help balance out all the sensitive ones

    I guess I'm an ODD ONE.
    I watch BoJack and Ricks and Morty for entertainment and do not get all personally and emotionally wrapped up in them.