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    that was my problem, too cheesy and wrapped up neatly.

    I am one of those to each their own when it comes to religious practice until it comes to the point of pushing your beliefs on others.
    Like the friend said at the food festival they are “grown ass men” and they should not be afraid of their parents in that regard. Pushing your beliefs on someone else or using the

    Was a decent episode for the use of Italian with subtitles rather than just pretending everyone there speaks fluent English with Hollywood accents. For me in particular, I am not much of a foodie or a fan of 1940s Italian cinema, so after a while I was just noting the scripted dialogue and choreography which became

    People just focus on the romantic notion of it, as if moving away the grass is always greener. There will never be any more work, monotony in life or worries.

    Aren't you supposed to be haunting a house somewhere? = best Mallory comment

    The final last supper scene followed by Barry's casual laugh and remarks = DAMN.

    As long as it's not that god awful Shakespeare …. ugh

    I love Bob and deliver when he's a substitute home ec teacher

    The SO and I watched the show. It was decent but some areas were drawn out and the Hannah character, as Tony put it "was drama" almost for the sake of drama in a lot of scenes, especially before a lot of the major events took place. Some of the people on her list were put there in a stretch whereas others who were on

    The writers recreate their past as deemed fit for the episode. I am a purist and still prefer the one where Homer operated the windmill and the Putt Putt.

    Agree, enjoyable enough episode but not one I would show a novice to try and get them hooked.

    okay broken links, this is the good one

    He's always been good for a laugh, my favorite is still

    The irony of handing out an award called "Best Fight Against the System" by the MTV and TV awards.

    I always loved the tone of his voice when he says God

    During the actual school play, the kids all singing off key and out of sync, how spot on that was.
    I have never understood why people record these things, it's not like they will ever go back and watch them.
    A middle level episode. Nothing to hate, but really not much to claim as a classic or highly quotable. The three

    "Here’s a guy who looks like he has it together, but really doesn’t, a
    guy who seems to a lot going for him on the surface, even if deep down,
    he’s got a level of anger and rage that is only rarely seen"

    Hyperpartisans will just cherry pick their outrage based on how it reflects on their politics. Had Colbert been a right winger all the left would be screaming for his head and vice versa.
