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    "It smells like mom and I'm 11 so I still like mom"

    Moms are traditionally the hardest characters to write for. They are either the straight man kill joy to check her man/kids or she is the career mom balancing it all. Rarely do you get the adult female character that can be a mixture of fun and serious when need be.Someone willing to join in the antics and lead them

    As long as Bob's Burgers does not become a political soapbox for the creators like Family Guy did for a few years I'll be happy.

    Now if they would just stop taking three plus week breaks between episodes.

    She's not hipster enough, and would never fit in. And by never fitting in she would ironically be left out because the hipsters would never accept her for being too different.

    Wow, you need to actually research reality if you think no kid would like a laser show now let alone 50 years ago.

    I always love in this show how Bob is less than enthusiastic about things Linda is psyched about, but by the end he is even more into it than her. This was another great play on the Cake episode, and Bob screaming "I'll get the Brandy" was the cherry on top.

    An episode that felt more like its old self again. With Selina accepting "donations", to Gary being the whipping boy and Mike not being able to find hotel accommodations only for both Mike and Gary to, as Selina said, finger the Hulk.
    Although the best part came when Jonah is loving the metal band, a call back of

    The Simpsons have indeed changed. Bart is now a panty waist and has been for some time compared to how he was in the 90's.

    she does not

    I have not been a fan of Jayma Mays in anything prior to this, but she absolutely killed that role. This was an intelligent well written sitcom. Hopefully it does get picked up for a second season, although will Lithgow be in it then?

    The O'Brien wedding ring was a combination of him supporting the writers and demonstrating how much he depends on the writers to make him funny.

    Because Gene like likes his sisters ….. like a 6 or so

    Cue Tina's porno music

    I absolutely loved that line! The tone of his voice followed by the look in his eyes was the kicker.

    Lady he's putting my kids through college!

    Hope not, that season started out strong and then just went nowhere in the end.

    That would have been sweet.

    Like Louise once said "He is one white cat from being a super villain"

    More Leibowitz… uh I mean Krieger please! I loved how he just casually sicks his dogs on the woman after, then his cat just casually goes back to grooming herself. Awesome episode.