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    German Nazi scientists were in particular demand post war. Would be to his advantage to contain his real identity. Especially if he was unsure if he would ever need it again, or another later in life.

    Not extreme in my book. Hackers do a lot of damage, far worse than this. In all seriousness though they should have gone after a show that has not jumped the shark and targeted something worth watching.

    Start cutting the hands off these hackers when caught. No, I'm not joking.

    And here we are in 2017 after the failure that was Obama and the newest failure that is Trump. The difference is that if either would have or will be assassinated a large faction of people will celebrate rather than collectively mourn.

    The first movie was awesome all around. The acting was so fluid you would have never really thought they were working off a script. Then the sequel was trash. The acting was off, the three cops especially were trying far too hard to be funny. The plot had potential but the execution was poor at best. Such a

    or "that was a long one. She must be at a light".

    Had people never know about the change in showrunners they would never notice a quality change as they claim. These two episodes have been a place setter after a huge dynamic shift, but the ADHD crowd can't be expected to wait and let things develop.

    Millenials are just too lazy to learn how to drive drunk

    I for one am happy VEEP has chosen so far to not pluck the low hanging fruit of the real life politics of today and instead kept with their own framing device. As someone who identifies with neither the Dems or Repubs it has swiftly become redundant and it would only serve to destroy a rare political satire that is

    Yeah that's my bad. It had been so long since I saw the episode I forgot that part. I was thinking the first time he rode in on it to announce the deal, that's what got me wondering.

    Just out of curiosity what disturbed you about that scene? Also I don't watch Game of Thrones so a reference to that wont help.

    consequence of when players are handed out bloated contracts, owners recoup from elsewhere. When people say whats the big deal, eventually the bubble bursts. Fewer fans can afford to attend or spend on merch, many are losing interest. Media outlets and advertisers have to pay more to cover and pass it off on

    Did they even pretend? Can't even count how often the scores were incorrect or the wrong image pasted on the wrong team name. Or players reported being on a team they were not on. I'm pretty sure they just had the janitor type something quick up after his shift and they posted it.

    It was bloated from the start. They were too big instead and of reporting
    sports related news they had to manufacture controversy, drama and
    political social issues to fill the void.
    Never like to see people lose their jobs, and the ones who will suffer the most are the lower level people who depend on their paychecks

    What kind of pathetic, weak minded coward just simply abandons their dog?
    New to this show, after never watching it during their original run, not one character on this show has any redeeming qualities. It has fallen into a soap opera cliche and I'm curious if it will improve. As far as Draper, he is basically a 60's

    after listening to them always complain about being broke and how expensive it is but hey they are in the big city, yeah I got that attitude. You're not going to change it.

    Listening to housewife banter is so BORING. I would sooner watch golf. Those scenes are best to fast forward through.

    LOL. Plenty of all the above there. Especially when it comes to the arts and theater

    Originally from the Twin Cities. Plenty of all the above to be had.

    Na, no romance or prestige of being in NY would persuade me. Almost got sent there for work once and thankfully got out of that.