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    Well what I find funny is the most people are being told what to find offensive, and I would wager many of them still find these things funny as a guilty pleasure. But to say so would mean you are not progressive or could be labeled an (___) ist of some sort.

    Lots of overly sensitive thin skinned people out there. Professional victims. I always get a good laugh when I read about how they cringed at something, felt uncomfortable or found it insensitive and the show aged badly because it didn;t conform to the ideals of social justice.

    Meh. Tried watching the show but never clicked for me.

    If there was ever a solid truth Rick said is when he told Morty to never get married and break the cycle.

    She is attached now that he "kept Summer safe" LOL

    implied that all the infinite universes reset with a mass move by everyone lol.

    One major reason why it takes 18 months between seasons, but given the quality is worth it to every second. Better the wait than them pumping out sub par episodes with little though put into them.

    That was the point, Beth is daddy dependent and too afraid of losing him she will literally destroy her marriage in the process.

    Awesome opossum !

    "That depends on what cracks first. Me. Or the titty"

    like that episode of Monk where the guy eats all the hard boiled eggs for a record.

    they were ribbed for her pleasure, but he turns them inside out

    Ugh that movie was so bad …

    I feel sorry for anyone who reads Shakespeare and thinks they are enjoying it.

    A true genius tricks you into buying beer for them, and thanking them for the opportunity.

    What's the reviewer's take on Hope Solo? LOL

    Thankfully I was one of the very select few who never got pulled into the Power Ranger craze in elementary.
    He should have gotten six years just for being in that show, yuck.

    Science was political long before you fashioned your first bow tie Bill. I doubt you have never been guided by the money.

    Is that a bad thing?

    The only character in Bob's that I have never liked and actually groan is Gayle. Agree about Peggy, not bad at first but insufferable after about season two. The best gag was everytime the subject of Joseph's father came up John Redcorn appeared.