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    Hank should kill peggy, seal her up in a propane tank and then hit up that female cop that wanted him at one point.

    Snow - WAY!

    Is the board exec from Gene's candy crusade the same one Bob insulted by saying it would be his last burger?

    Nope, the day I find myself in a cubicle is the day you have to hide the knives ropes and guns from me.

    The best part of being in the medical field and knowing both so you couldn't care less what system is being used. LOL

    Do you own a tooth brush or are you still shopping around? - Linda

    New Girl should probably wrap things up sooner than later. They seem to have reached their apex and have begun to fall flat. Also do not give him a first name, let some things remain pure in the show.

    Her instant conclusion that "here's to 30 more" as being hostile just tells you that she plays and thinks she is the victim 24/7 while showing that she is often the source of a lot of issues for many people. How many times have you seen her intentionally stir the pot and makes people agitated at one another for her

    Giving any of the "classical" literature as a gift is something your reserve for your enemy. Especially if it is Shakespeare or Catcher in the Rye (forget the so called author).

    Two people that have no business being together. Both are terrible in their own right and neither is the victim in this story. Also, if you can't be apart for less than a month (new relationship or not) then that only spells doom in the end, especially if it is a work related separation. And is border line sad.

    You're my mother not my thermometer!

    This generation and current social trend is to analyze and find a deeper social issue in everything. Just watch any show that has a relationship as the centric plot, man do the SJW and thin skinned cry babies come out in force.

    Gayle is the only character I groan when I see on screen. I like Teddy and the whole Belcher family, they each add their own little bits. We need more Fischoder and Mort though.

    I love how in character it is for Linda to leave Teddy's burger on the sidewalk, and how easily excited she gets over little things like a wanna be water feature.
    And the second Teddy makes his appearance the laughs start rolling, love that guy

    He got the highest MCATs in the state

    An episode with Teddy and Gene both doing their thing is never not hilarious. And who hasn't foraged for golf balls in their earlier years?
    All the players in this episode were on from Linda's candy addiction, to Tina's fascination with the most tedious things in factory life to Louise and Bob merely acting as side

    No for sure the Halloween episode where they try to scare Louise

    I have only watched maybe half a dozen episodes of this series and every time it seems like the episode is focused only on one character and the main cast I see on promos is never there. Is that their style to have a lot of episodes only centered on one person?

    I rarely ever watch new episodes and are typically underwhelmed by them. With that said this was a decent episode with a lot of clever lines if you were paying attention to it. Plus I did like the somewhat tie in with the classic episode Kamp Krusty without being a complete call back.

    His excitement and willingness to take the guys potentially free burger was hilarious.
    Bob "Hey Linda who is that?":
    Linda not looking "It's Teddy Bob"
    Teddy "Hey BOB!"