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    You still have to love Gene's cavalier attitude of being the prosecuter, not taking it seriously and just assuming he had a slam dunk case.

    I did like how they were organically teamed up being they would have a common concern and enemy given their professions. It didn't seem forced

    I never read the AV reviews because I have found they either try too herd to inject social issues and personal views that are not relevant or they nit pick the smallest things. And like you said, drain the life out of the episode. Most of them are so far up their own butt they have convinced themselves they are

    I rather enjoyed this episode. There was a lot of good banter between the characters and of course Bob's plan to get revenge would fall apart by not reading the agreement license. A rare site to see Bob and Jimmy work together for a common cause. And fo course no one was watching the restaurant. The fact that Teddy

    it all comes down to cherry picking your outrage when it suits your argument. Heck a lot of the medical science people take advantage of when it is their life or that of a loved on is something many people will claim is wrong towards those they do not know.

    Last season was good, but the the ending was a fail, and this season has just been unbalanced from the get go and truly lacking in the jokes department.

    This season jumped the shark by about episode 4, just have to cut it loose and hope they stop insisting on the serialized format. Failed to stick the landing last season, even worse this time around.

    I need a Rick and Morty fix. Feel like a crack head having to sweat it out.

    He sees him as a swarthy, hairy foreigner.

    Do people still carol? I honestly have never witnessed it in person.

    Of the three holiday episodes so far this season this one was my favorite. I died when Fischoeder was shocked Bob didn't have any guns to put on the table. And the banter between the ginger bread guys was hilarious.

    Okay buddy, guess you have to get some value from that minor in psych you wasted money on in college. Keep digging.

    Anytime Gale is on scree for more than a few seconds is an endurance test. To quote Bob when I see here "Oh it's so sad here".

    More like "shoe horning", to use his word, a sentiment. He completely over looked the fact that Logan is her nemesis, she got scared (out of character) and Gene had to man up and be the bigger brother after earlier establishing that he is the beta of the pair between them in most instances.

    One thing I always loved about Louise was her willingness to be mischievous, but her instant regret and shame at the musical was a turn off for me. I wish they had just rode the wave of her wanting to destroy the musical and get an early day off. I realize they are supposed to learn a lessor or what not but lately

    Cool story bro. In other news, my friend has some shiny tin foil, perhaps AV club can do a story on him. Seems to be the only prerequisite now.

    ALL reality TV needs to go away, right wing, left wing or no wing it doesn't matter. It's all garbage.

    Agree, after that the show is literally unwatchable. The carousel of who's manager next got old real fast and the characters just became caricatures. Although I will admit the true finale was well played.

    The biggest laugh for me was when Homer punched the creator of convenience fees for Ticket Master "you charge me to pay you for something!" and then shakes the drug dealer's hand.

    I have zero post election rage because it would have been a continuation of the status quo regardless who won. Hyperpartisans just refuse to admit it.