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    The first time I noticed the Jim becoming Michael was the survivor episode where Jim tries to combine all the birthday parties and Michael notes that he tried that once and that Jim will learn one day.

    Jim and Pam strike me as the couple that if I came home and the SO said we were going out with them that night I would just groan and hate my life right then. They are both very stuck up and prudish, and ever since the wedding/baby episodes they are just boring and get even duller as the series goes on. The show spent

    South Park has lost its touch with the serialized format. They got far too convoluted and failed to stick the landing last season, this season is no better with even fewer laughs.

    Yeah heaven forbid someone disagree with your personal point of view right?

    Bill is, and always has been a pussy though. So …

    As someone who voted for neither of the above I just get a grand chuckle out of listening to the Repub v Dems pissing match. Think of it this way, if there ever was a time for a look at your reflection in the mirror and evaluate for the Dems, it is the concept that they could not come up with someone who could beat

    Politics in America reminds me of the World Cup. The event happens every four years, No one really gives a shit for three of them, but them everyone pretends like they are highly passionate that final year. Mostly for appearances. And of course they all act like the world has come to an end when of course it's nothing

    Meh not my scene, but the beauty is I have the choice not to tune in rather than throw a temper tantrum like many below.

    Well … he is Canadian


    A simple plot device with well times jokes and sight gags, the store front in the credits made me laugh right from the get go so I knew it was going to be a decent episode. Tine and he "oops I accidentally poured water on you" gag was hilarious. And of course Linda is always excited to see someone or hear something

    Too many people got over sensitive because he wasn;t the model dad or husband and the PC wave drove the writers to really tame his character down and create a one dimensional role for him.

    I will say I rather enjoyed this episode. There were plenty
    of sight gags to be had, the jokes actually landed for the most part and there
    was a bit of energy to it. One thing I loved was Marge slapping Helen Lovejoy,
    something that needed to be done since 1991.

    The Honey I shrunk the Kids parody was the best, because of course, Rick just ate Morty.

    I used to love falling asleep to a light thunderstorm or rain across a tent. I fell out of the habit with the SO who would watch TV, oh well.

    I see the Shameless writers have gotten back to filling their Fiona titty quota.
    I love how the the discrimination the military school displayed on Carl in the name of affirmative action is casually ignored, but of courser the simple reviewer jumps at the chance to call Carl the racist in that scenario. Oh that's

    I guess I didn't notice that part because I watch Bob's Burgers and get my fill of holiday themed episodes. But yeah, now that you bring it up.

    I wish SP would go back to telling jokes with the occasional message rather than have a season long preach. I don't care about politics, especially the DEMS v Repubs pissing match to find roughly 99% of this season enjoyable. The only think worth a chuckle this episode was Cartman casually spraying air freshener at

    America needs to treat the office of presidency like a breakup and just stay single for a good four years or so.

    Doing something that practically anyone else on the planet could replicate is not art. Most modern art is such nonsense populated by untalented hacks and supported by idiots who want to appear cultured.