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    Yeah from what I have seen. I checked it out because I figured I had to give it a try, but it sucks.

    Okay, if Reba or anyone else thought that show was being risque then I would hate to see what they viewed as conservative.

    When he was clubbing and working it was like you said more about getting high, drunk and laid. Not attaching labels for future groupings

    Wife used to watch that show Reba (with Kevin playing an even dumber guy), and that's how it was portrayed. The teen prego was the plot, then the writers got past all the sitcom pregnancy storylines and went —- uh what now? then most of the time I saw a show with her the kid was no where to be found, the parents were

    When Frank looked out to the sky and told God he could not kill him, it was one of the more powerful parts of his character. Then afterwards the writers had no clue what to do with him, and this season he is just there for show. Normally he would make me laugh but this season he is just taking up space. Unless they

    I continue to have zero sympathy for Debbie. She romanticized the idea of having a baby and just figured everyone else would support her in the mean time. And then the dumping your kid off on someone else is beyond selfish and irresponsible. Everyone wants Fiona to hold her hand when the kid is of no responsibility to

    The explanation of FAB was 'how presumptuous of your parents to call a genetic female their daughter without seeking approval first'. And yes the who scene looked like an over the top attempt to just throw out labels for the sake of being unique etc.

    A great call back to Tibor

    For me
    1. Full Bars
    2. Fort Night
    3. The Haumtining
    4. Tina and the real ghost
    5. This one

    I loved during the credits as Fishoeder is picking up pumpkins we see a biker making a police report. LOL

    I am curious how many people on all forms of social media or in person etc will hate on Trump and the like because it's the chic thing to do but will vote for him as their dirty little secret?
    The same can be said for Clinton on a smaller spectrum but given the media attention directed to the latter I would find it

    Agree, the whole political thing is a combination of worn out, unoriginal, dull and just a waste of time. They failed to stick the landing last season with everything going on, I feel this season will do the same. If the Cartman aspect does not have a large payoff …. either way I am swiftly losing interest.

    I lose any and all respect for a guy that is henpecked by his girl or a girl that is … I guess cockpecked? Either way, anyone who let's their SO rule them and run the show without any independent thought or capacity for decision making is a loser to me.

    Did you get your feeling hurt after cheering for fuck all the immigrants?

    And when actual adults are running for office and are in the government I will care. Until then the wanna be reality show can stick it. Enjoy your status quo, that's all these career politicians are.

    no but at least a vast majority (celebrities mostly) will shut up and stop pretending they care.

    My God political season cannot end soon enough.

    The speech at the table was the clandestine "I was forced to grow up and put my life and hold for you. Some of you have simply grown up (Lip and Ian) others have made decisions they are grown up (Carl and Debbie) and save for Liam you are now on your own if you do not carry your share.

    A reviewer once had lamented about the Gallaghers and how they are never made to pay for their actions. The BS letting Debbie off the hook is a perfect example of this. She steals 2 K worth of merchandise and all that is needed is, "She's sorry, we're leaving, oh no it's her IQ is low". What a weak cop out. Ian

    Was an okay episode for 2016 standards, still would have liked to see a Halloween type mood rather than a popular movie parody. They really need to try and get back to classic Tree House of Horror, the current model is meh. Had the episode not been labeled as a Treehouse episode I would never had a clue.