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    Hey are you the whore that bangs everybody?

    I do love how she is not the stereotypical straight man (female) of the group and acts as the female nag to keep order. She is simply one of the guys.

    In the heights of my drinking days it was nothing for my roommates and I to kill a 30 pack each nightly during the summer when all we had were low level jobs to worry about. The best is during the school year we would buy cases of PBR that had playing cards on the bottle cap and play poker. If you got a duplicate you

    I absolutely loved this episode! Best of all it summed up each character trait perfectly as they all had their own thing going with a common, some what goal. The best part is the subtle recognition that while Mac is a heavy drinker, compared to his counterparts he is the light weight among them and would be the only

    Best pieces of each dream sequence

    No anymore it aint

    Okay Guy Incognito, just for that, I'm removing your favorite record from the player and your photo from Mount Lushmore!

    Compare this episode of the Simpsons move away from Springfield to the most recent move to Boston and you can see just how low the show has sunk. Before the jokes and sight gags were subtle and organic, now they just spoon feed you like 'see, see how clever and funny we are?!?! SEE!!!"

    Let's be honest, with almost what, 600 episodes, you're bound to "predict" a few things here and there.

    So … is Kenny just a background character now?

    True, they did the same thing last year and failed to stick the landing. I feel this will happen again.

    If only the old Cartman had been there to make a jew joke.

    it's all for appearances and not even hidden very well. Had he called out the girls then he would be subject to being a chauvinist, bigot and or a (fill in the blank - phobe) by all the knee jerk SJWs

    The reviewer is just trying to act like a progressive for appearances. I stopped reading the review half way through because of the nonsense that was being spewed.
    Try to see it for the girls' perspective? Okay sure, but when should the girls be held accountable to see it from the boys' perspective, especially when

    Butters always has the most honest speeches

    Nice. Anesthesiology for this guy.

    What field of medicine? I had just graduated medical school in 2008 and remember this show going through.

    Scrubs was funny and had it's moment in the sun. It just lingered a bit too long like many shows before and after it. I had graduated med school during its run and for a short time became so disillusioned with a lot of MDs that I had a hard time watching this show (or any medical show) without getting angry. In the

    I laughed so hard at that. It reminded me in HS when I did a back flip off the diving board but only jumped up not out and cracked my head on the board. Apparently I got out of the water, jumped back in and then got out and approached my teacher to let he know I was bleeding. HA HA no memory of that whatsoever!

    The look on Lip's face as he looks at Frank, then the beer and slides it away after V says "You remind me of him" was the perfect assessment of what he finally realizes and cannot stomach.