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    I will liken it to that trainwreck Cooper Barrett or whatever show they tried so hard to plug last year, and that even worse abomination/ gag reflex Border town. I give it a season before it is scrapped into the trash heap like so many losers before it.

    Yeah they said they would be taking their time rather than just have the plug in version that was originally proposed

    I reconfirmed with the SO that football would not preempt this.

    Teddy- Are you watching the hockey game?


    At comic con they did mention making the Kucha Kopi night light that you could walk around with

    One of the many reason why I have stopped reading the reviews all together, especially if I see particular names (McNutt the greatest offender) as the author. The best part is how often they cherry pick what should be morally offensive based on how well it aligns with their personal and political leanings. And once

    What a laughless (sans Randy "Yeah 100 bucks") episode. Am I the only one bored to death with the whole national anthem protest flavor of the year thread and anything presidential election? And if we have to put up with another season of that tool PC Principal I am checking out early.

    I think this show could have really gone all the way and made the troll a female who hates on other females. Gerald seems like an odd choice given all the years of his character build.

    Shhh, don't point it out to them. AV reviewers prefer to cherry pick their moral outrage for convenience.and social appearances

    Full House certainly did run past the point of unwatchability. They had an episode 2 and beyond.

    My apologies for you having to ever watch let alone rewatch Friends.

    Home Improvement was an okay sitcom. And that was just it, a sitcom, with a laugh track which ran the gambit of TV sitcom plot devices and just faded away.

    It is a reference of How I met your mother, a show that started out pretty good but just meandered through the narrarators love life to his kids like they want to hear about every girl dad slept with, only to meet the actual mom and the whole thing be a one dimensional let down.

    Do schools seriously have an 8th grade graduation? And all the pomp and circumstance of Sue leaving for a summer, I mean come on, it's three months. Maybe I just don't come from a touchy feely family and I don't understand it. And the one thing that really bothers me with Frankie is all the manufactured chaos she

    The Brick character annoys me and his opening scene just reinforces that. He is so lazy and irresponsible and yet we are supposed to believe he is a smart kid? If the parents had any sense they would refuse to get him his graph paper and let him start learning how to manage things better and not put them off just

    Anyone else get the irony of the protester saving trees yet taking tests on paper and having a notebook?

    He is taking notes from McNutt on how to ruin a review thread.

    I for one am glad they are using subtitles rather than just speaking English in over emphasized accents in order to appease a mass audience.

    That's just it, when they go on about the family being innocent, that's such a joke. They never minded what was done to gain the wealth until their family was affected, then suddenly everyone else is the monster.