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    Also the narration is representative of the frustration and jaded attitude of a once idealistic DEA agent and the over all Colombian/American view towards Escobar and what he may be suffering through his losses. Plus when you are making a show surrounded by true events where people can just as easily google the

    Or they break standard Hollywood protocol and make them the twist good guys in the end.

    Dustin -Holy shit! Did you see what she did to that van?

    DWTS, the number one sign your career has hit rock bottom never to rebound.

    Community started strong but just became a bore in the end. Stopped watching once main characters began to leave.

    Haven't watched Criminal Minds in a few years simply because I got busy and my interest waned. However, with that said if I had to choose between that or any reality show out there, the Criminal Minds wins 10/10 times.

    Sigh, a new low. And I thought the Lisa/Gaga episode was bad.

    No they weren't.

    No they weren't.

    Episode is graded G because F - - would have been too good for this steaming pile of -

    Episode is graded G because F - - would have been too good for this steaming pile of -

    Yeah, they're tough until somebody actually prevents them from coming and going as they please, then they are oppressed. I read a comment about someone saying prison or not it is still their home. We'll mine and your taxes are paying for their home and I don;t believe they are paying rent so they can stick it. You

    Oh poor babies, lesson to be learned. Don;'t get yourself arrested and thrown in jail.

    Meh, I wouldn't waste my time or money with political comedy regardless of which side of the spectrum they are on. If I go I want to hear jokes not preaching and propaganda, there is enough CNN, FOX etc etc out there for that.

    As long as they set it up like Weeds with Doug where it looked like he was going to hang himself only to reveal he was just jerking it. BoJack already faced AA in season two, but this time he means it, and it all goes wrong.

    Think you played the bigot card way too quickly which often results in it losing its meaning over time. I would interpret more as the attitude that all males simply think with their dicks with the inability to control that, or is unable to think with their dicks (impotent) or do so but are ashamed of the potential

    Third season where it ends with the life defining inspirational scene only to wash and repeat the following year. Really like the show but the conclusions are becoming a bit of a formula IMO. I don't get emotionally invested in the show or overly analyze as many of the commenters do, and I simply treat it as TV so I

    I bet she's the one everybody is hoping will stop by the party ….

    Seriously the Jason and Kreuger franchises just need to lie dormant for a couple of decades to allow them to refresh.

    Enjoyed the show. Would binge watch it for a few weeks, then stop. Repeat the cycle every now and then. I haven't watched a new episode in probably three or four years for no other reason than just being busy. At some point though, when the bulk of the original and semi original cast is gone, it's time to close up