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    Sarah Lynn is good in small doses, but we all need more and more Louise Belcher.

    I was actually surprised the reviewer did not automatically gravitate towards Black people being crossed out. Maybe I'm just used to another reviewer from different shows that would have focused on that right from the beginning and been drooling to comment.

    House was a terrible show and nothing about it was worth remembering.

    Leslie Knope was weak and cared way too much about what people thought of her, she would have had a mental break down by now.

    Most likely you are correct barring a time skip, would just be an interesting dynamic. She most likely will have the same fate as Saras Lynn in the end.

    I wonder if BoJack will ever do a show on Sextina being a washed up has been in a similar fashion as when her character was introduced. The best will be her reaction especially after telling Sarah Lynn that she's old and to get over it.
    The beauty of people who rely on image, youth and pop culture fads, they all

    It can be fun when you;re in the right mood, but over all it is pretty one dimensional. A movie sure, but a series ….?

    I dunno, looks like a highly unoriginal show with about one season's worth of joke before it starts reaching for something to talk about.

    Best quotes of the episode
    Ryan "Step one on the 48 award show gauntlet that is the exhausting road to Oscar"

    That's your first problem, you care enough to analyze pop culture in the first place. The superficial black hole that it is.

    Why hate yourself? It's a joke in a cartoon, laugh, enjoy it and don't take things too seriously. People in this comment section get too personally invested rather than just enjoying a cartoon.

    I wishthe show would have taken the joke further and had MPB ask the doc who just broke the news of his next availability for a vasectomy.

    MPB's balloon was the highlight gag of the show. Hopefully BoJack will keep their political satire simply as satire and not become a partisain platform like so many have fallen into in the past several years. I watch cartoons to laugh and not care, not discuss social issues and politics in a serious manner.

    Who said I was?

    Neither candidate is worthy of the position or a vote and both are as equally evil. The fact that people believe one is the lesser evil is beyond discouraging. Do you not realize neither one cares about you beyond securing your vote? Not to mention in the past these cartoons used to be subtle and witty and would

    Drops box into hole
    "Why did I ever think any one would want nude photos of Hilary Clinton?"
    Box pops back up in the air and lands in hands
    "What the-?"

    God I hate politics, keep that crap out of my cartoons. They used to be clever about it, now it's just unabashed platforming.

    LOL, thanks I needed that. My time up there really made me question the human race and honestly believe in forced tubal ligations and vasectomies.

    If HBO has learned anything is they give him a three seasons max.

    Yeah dickheads with their spoilers because they are so impatient to comment. They can;t be bothered to write their precious little thoughts down and save them for the appropriate time to share.