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    Meh, it's Hollywoo, another side gag of no one noticing nor caring. Plus the bridesmaids were the gag in that scene.

    My entire time in OB would beg to differ on the concept of not being so loosely goosey on the drug taking. Would be amazed how many know they are pregnant and still choose to drink, smoke, snort or shoot up.

    Anyone who is not an alcohol and pill dependent house wife, LOL.

    Didn't care for this episode much. It had its moments and I
    get where they were going with it, but over all personally I wasn’t into it.
    Upon re-watch, still not in it, will most likely be a skip episode in the future
    when binge watching the series. But hey to each their own as there have been plenty of shows where that

    Pretty sad if he cannot get past his own personal and myopic biases to not sit down and just enjoy a cartoon for the sake of comedy. Some people take TV shows too personally, and those people I would never trust in the real world.

    Without Dale the show would have never survived.

    Problem with Bobby is he has little to no motivation or perseverance if something is not immediately easy. His mother has coddled him and he has shown a lot of signs of not being prepared to grow up independently.

    That would be asking far too much from people now.

    I loved the look on Mr. Peanut Butter right as he is about to shake the tomato juice off.

    I dunno, I actually liked both

    BoJack taking a letter from Bob's Burgers in the way of pun related store front names.

    I loved that line "Agh, being a movie star is the hardest job and we get no recognition for it!"
    Followed up with the baggage scanner at the airport.

    Best devil = Futurama and South Park

    A lot of emphasis on the coke nail in the beginning.

    Try watching the show for fun and stop contexting everything, your life will be happier.

    Or … you can just watch the show for fun and not take everything to heart … just a thought.

    Holy shit! You're taking Roy off the grid! You dont have a social security card for Roy!

    I never disliked the Jimmy character to the point everyone else seems to. In fact he was the most supportive one Fiona has come across. Of course we all know Fiona will start banging her new boss because that's what she does and how dare we not get a Fiona love story every season. Of all the characters, her's is the

    I may be in the minority, but I really liked the final scene with Frank looking skyward out over the lake and taking his shots at God. That was a transcendent scene and very much in character for Frank. Sure he is a bastard but honestly his character is more palpable than what Fiona has become, and he at least

    I was more curious about the mixing of pediatric and adults in conjunction with a girl and man sharing a room. The use of ER carts instead of actual hospital beds.