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    Terms of the probation include a firm curfew, no exceptions.

    Too bad they replaced him with that McNutt moron. That move was waving the white flag right there with that hack.

    Californication would have been a better movie with a sequel then a show. Got stale really fast for me.

    That and you have to display and abide by the necessary life style changes in order to not waste the organ.

    People are also neglecting all the lifestyle modifications you have to make and abide for. Transplanted organs are not just given to anyone especially those who have proven they will not take care of it. No way given his history would he have ever gotten the trnasplant and he would have been seen as someone who would

    And then chose to continue to act like a moron and play the victim card for sympathy.

    Fiona is too busy playing the role of victim while embracing and choosing bad decision after bad decision and then deflecting blame onto others. She is always the first to preach to everyone else when she thinks she is rights and the first to deny she is acting like an idiot. She willingly took legal guardianship over

    Heat exhaustion followed by dehydration, a weakened immune system and an ever growing build up of ammonium in the blood stream.

    Can't feel conflicted about Fiona, she had demonstrated this season that she is in no position to care for the kids anymore and make rules for others to follow. She CHOSE to snort the coke with her siblings there and ignore a three year old, and the reviewer here is trying to make us feel bad about the "dehumanizing

    Stupid review, waste of time.

    Going back to episode two, for what ever reason there is no review. The Florence character is annoying. Hopefully her screen time is heavily diminished going forward. The lady who is so cavalier about the dead bodies is probably the best one so far.

    I must be one of maybe six people in the nation who does not watch the show. Nothing against it, I saw the first two seasons? I think, and then just stopped watching, interest waned and have not gone back to it. I tend to do that with a lot of shows though.

    The final lines with the jogger in season two were probably my favorite, non comedic, part of the show.

    Hmmm, I have done essentially a mirror image except my reaction was to laugh …. not sure what that says about me.

    With all those Seacrest types and like an actress or somethings.

    An Oscar for a movie he technically wasn't in LOL. Then again, far worse performances have won Oscars for movies they were actually in LOL.

    Has anyone seen the sequel? I don;t personally know anyone that has, or will admit to it, and the few reviews I have heard have all been negative. What was your take if you had seen it?

    I can say the same. The beauty of differing opinions.

    Not unusual for this reviewer as he tends to get very preachy and judgemental. Not to mention will give certain characters a pass while chastising others for committing the same acts. Very uneven in approach.

    I made that comment earlier when people were bemoaning the writing room not being representative but then hailing this reviewers take on the show. I kept thinking, wait, the representation you want is not in these reviews but you are giving this a pass why?