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    I didn;t care for the cliche Hollywood scene because

    The show is directed at the liberal demographic so they wont take anytime to level the playing field. That has been evident form season one, but this year it did get too cartoonish and unless next season is followed with serious repercussions it will have effectively jumped the shark.
    Given the actions of characters

    "He needed the coins to pay for passage across the Styx." "But I didn’t
    grow up in the sticks, I grew up in a town." "I love playing this game
    with you, it really never gets old."
    I did love that bit given Penns …. past of being a self proclaimed bible thumper and reinforcing that she only held those convictions as

    Wouldn't a change in reviewer have been apt for this season as well then?

    One has to wonder how much time in max the final scene will buy Daya? Or will the show find a way to resolve the issue without any higher authority catching wind of it? Not sure what kind of time would be added in NY law and honestly not going to bother researching it since this is a TV show..
    The time gap between time

    Could have been, can't really argue with that thought.

    So I guess to keep the masses happy only kill off straight white lame characters.

    I would agree, I have noted here already that the commenters have only associated the characters with race and have proactively asserted motivation/analogy. Like the review said, the outrage of lesbian deaths. Is there now a quota we undercut so that it is not offensive?
    If the writers of this show had any balls, they

    Right now on a social media platform it is more chic to frame them all as PTSD lost causes or monsters. Shows like this make no secret of an agenda and pander openly.

    For an Afghan and military vet, she sure backed off that confrontation quickly. That part just didn;t script well, because someone with her supposed background should not have cowered against the wall like she did.

    One thing that struck me was the stand on table protest. For Soso being a self proclaimed social activist, it took her quite a long time to get on the table herself. Seemed like she would have gotten off on the sentiment and not waited to be a follower. Minor detail but something I just happened to notice.

    So true, and Stephen King the master of tangents to add 200 additional pages to any given book.

    What makes me laugh is had the announcement that Ianucci leaving never been made I wager few few if any people would have noticed and the show wouldn go on without skipping a beat. But since people know, they are looking for anything to nit pick and talk of how it's just not as good.

    That was my first ever exposure, not the dynamic you have to live to understand. Those experiences are some things that I wont and do not even want try to type out because it would be far too long and I wouldnt even begin to know how to describe them.

    And I repeat, had the roles been reversed with the same intent they bigot card would have been played.

    Shows why so many on this thread are willing to overlook all the racist comments by some characters and demonize others for the same. The reviewer is guilty of this and many follow his lead.

    The Harry Potter? You know how you associate things with certain memories, experiences etc? Just how I associate those books and movies.

    The very firs time I got exposure in Psych was in undergrad during my psych rotation. That day were were in the adolescent (13-17 yes old) ward. Part of the job was to read every inpatient file prior to going on the floor. That particular day it was all female inpatients, most of which had sexual abuse histories and

    As someone who has spent time in the medical side of psych itis
    impossible to describe the dynamics. If you want to truly understand it
    you need to live it.

    I killed a cop with his own gun! Wait, did I get caught for that? Man I'm getting old".