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    Had the tables been reversed and the guard said it to get a rise you would have labeled it as a homophobic bigoted comment. A slur is a slur regardless if you like the character and think they should get a pass.

    I think you need to understand the mindset of someone who was groomed under the structure of a maximum security. He even states that the prisoners who try to charm and seduce are the most dangerous, so given he is working with women (remember he put Piper in her place when she tried to charm prior to knowing he was

    I guess when you like the character the homophobic and or racial slurs get a pass.

    Silver lining right?

    Every character in the show has shown moments of bigotry for the most part. Very few exceptions to the list.

    You would think that was just a placeholder of, they have one confession and Lolly obviously cannot stay at minimum, but the investigation is far from over.

    You would think given the level of inherent danger of max. Is it possible he was groomed for a promotion and when Caputo offered him one he took the first opportunity?

    If she is in charge of purchasing she should at least make a cursory visit to the prison to get an actual account on how money and supplies should be managed. Not an excuse.

    IT was a nice touch, if you have ever actually read the book it just makes you laugh.

    Reminded me of a dog fight where the participants (Suzanne at least) were force into the spectacle for the sport and pleasure of others. Humphrey strikes me as the guy you have to look under the floor boards of his place and make the discovery.

    The scene with the fight and the guards not only betting on it but also encouraging was sick I'll give you that. It reminded me of a dog fight where others promote the fighting and physical harm in the name of sport, financial gain and pleasure. I can see where sociopaths would get off on such a scenario, but anyone

    That's where I like the Healy dynamic in this episode, because as much as he is unpleasant he realized at that point that he completely wrote her off when she confessed and other than having an about face for himself he knew instantly that would be the end of her. Even if his motivations were selfish and self serving,

    "The kid seemed too old to be as terrified as he becomes in the midst of their confrontation" Seriously, you honestly think that? Given how Suzanne becomes angry and yells, no child is going to comprehend at the moment what is happening is a case of misunderstanding. As far as going out the window, he tried the door

    Ah, I must watch closer next time.

    That one is true. I prefer rock, but that's because I'm not fancy nor have the budget for a mallet.

    That concept would take away from the show and really struggle to maintain momentum.

    Maybe it was implied she knew she was on a sinking ship and slowly just removed herself from the situation to position herself elsewhere. Or maybe the actress had other project going on, I didnt bother to look it up.

    Or …. like my cousin that died miserably from it at age 29 …

    As a member of the anesthesia community, I agree 100% and then some.

    I took it as a hesitation to begrudgingly admit in from of people that she is a white woman from Ohio. She is using her husband's status and her name by marriage as credentials to play the Hispanic card and pander for votes and support. Her over emphasis of the accent when convenient is more telling than anything.