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    Johan "Can we get a picture where she isn;t screaming at me?"
    Richard "There doesn;t appear to be one"

    God yes

    If anything he was just oblivious

    You know Gary, with the horrified look on his face, immediately thought he was going to have to get the furniture replaced again.

    Spot on, in fact the show even emphasized that James was better suited for the position all along and in the end just got cocky and over extended himself thus creating a symbolic balance. In real life, had as much gone public as it did with Meyer's throughout the campaign, she would have never made it as far as she

    You (and many others) really need to get over the Iannucci thing already, It's like listening to an old white guy reminiscing about how great the '50s were. This season quite frankly, while not the best, was still pretty good and had much more in depth plot. Honestly had no one known the change in leadership occurred,

    No it was Selina's swipe at Montez for playing the Mexican angle when she is a white woman from just outside of Cleveland. Especially given Laura's emphasis on over exaggerating the accent when convenient only implies that more.

    You would think they have to do a time jump and rehash a new campaign or something. Either that or I would think Catherine's hard drive missing may come into play to somehow hurt Montez as maybe Catherine caught something or the stealing of the Tibet angle. Who knows, but given it came up twice it was not a benign

    It was refreshing to see Gary just explode, in his own Gary way and tell everyone off. Richard of course killed it, especially when he realized his aunt was his mother LOL.
    Catherine's hard drive missing, potential plot development next season??
    Laura using her husband's heritage as a political power play and over

    Has anyone else looked into the parole process of Russia's Black Dolphin? Prior to any parole the board and the inmate have to define what the plan is upon release. Job, housing and plan for life after prison have to be clearly defined. No one just get released and left to be on their own.

    Had she not been as preachy as she was in prior season I think the transition would not be as bothersome. But given her judgement of others previously she is the most guilty. And yes, now that she is in the tower she takes exception to others being there with her.

    It has nothing to do with decency, humanity or fair play. It's a smart tactic to remain inconspicuous and keep the target off their back. If ti comes down to her or one of her crew I bet she would sell them down the river ASAP.

    She is just like Piper, she is going to carry the sway of being the badass, enjoy the fruits of her power with little regard for the risk her subordinates take and then play the victim when it comes back to bite her.

    Ugh D.C., unfortunately I have to go back there in September.

    Maybe it's because I feel more for animals than I do people but I was not candid on the using a baby mouse as the bait for you sadistic game. Humphrey is a sociopath and that scene was just to cement it, but I was more focused on the suffocation and scalding of the raw skin from a low pH in the gastric fluid that the

    I honestly do not remember the overlap. You would have to think this show only has a few more seasons at best in it though.

    I wisht he scene would have ended with Caputo demonstrating the shock and upset he did in the doorway rather than ending it in a typical Hollywood hot and heavy scene. At least telling Linda to leave would have been a bit redeeming but I guess my hormones speak differently to me.

    So Nicky spent 94 days in max, Daya (spelling) presumably was pregnant for 9 months. Not sure how much time Piper was in jail prior to the pregnancy, nor how much time separated her giving birth and Nicky going to max, but we have minimum 12 months of time passing. So one would think conservatively that 14 months

    For all of my schooling and line of work I list everyone with the pretext of where I know them from or what state/hospital/school. Quick and easy to find in the phone when I need to get to them and after so many Amandas, Mikes etc etc I need to separate them.
    I even have to write sister, brother, mother, father to be

    The show was decent but the mom got tiresome when all she did was yell and was a pathological control freak. That personality doesn't gel with me. Malcolm also got a bit tiresome as his personality always got in his way. Hal, Reese, Dewey and to an extend Francis pre Alaska is where the show shined.