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    That was the first time he has demonstrated he has zero desire to help (physical harm at least) but he has been lazy, uncaring and in general an ass to many inmates in the past. He's you classic underachiever who is proud of it, feels like he's underpaid but unwilling to work for it and knows he has a cushy job but

    But how would they play the victim card them and get the commoners to feel pity?

    Yeah he drinks often on the show, especially during his shift.

    partial credit lol

    Given the bulk of their protesters were beyond hypocritical in the process given their actions I do not take OWS seriously at all nor do they deserve any of my respect. Most were there for social fashion.

    Hence Piscatella (spelling) and his reference to the family business.

    A lot of people on this thread take the show too seriously and get far too emotionally invested.

    True but she took it as a sign of Ruiz bringing in people without talking to her first which would have been a sign of weakness and a power struggle.

    She's not making the smart play as her execution was all wrong. But had she shown any concessions from the start she would have been taken as weak and a push over. She needed to be more subtle in consolidating her power but instead put a target on her back.

    Could potentially make her more dangerous as all the other factions (White, hispanic, black and etc characters) have all displayed their overt racism multiple times.

    ''Being a reasonable person does not admit defeat" … you have no clue of prison politics.

    Nah, had it been OWS they would have been texting, message boarding the redistribution of wealth from corporations on their Iphones or Apple laptops while refusing to feed local homeless at their food tent for not being part of the "cause".

    Not sure why everyone is convinced Ruiz is a pure victim. If she really cared about getting out and seeing her child she would have not taken the actions she did. She willingly became top dog of her group and with that comes all the risk and reward. She relished it when the reward was palpable but not the risk, same

    So playing himself? No script needed, just have him show up and start up a random conversation.

    Well of course they are almost all portrayed as such, that is the popular sentiment among the general populace who pretty much all act as sheep. Appealing to the LCD makes for easy writing and the least backlash. No surprise in media/entertainment.

    Yeah he was distracted. I think a lot has to do with his conflictions of being the manager taking it from both sides.

    Have seen it, didn't care for it.

    The AV reviewers will tell you how to feel, what is funny, what is uncomfortable, what is racist, who needs sympathy etc etc.

    Flick his titty

    Archer was driving the tow truck. The two dead Archers were already clones.